• nifty@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Um, trigger warning I guess.

    As an autist who has encountered bullying throughout my life, men have generally been kinder to me than women. Women seems to “sniff” out my otherness and sideline me for it. Men seem to take it easy on me.

    So I think the argument is unfairly gendered. I’ve encountered enough women who’re just as malicious and damaging as the men bear-choosing people are avoiding. A mean woman would leave me to die in the forest while she fends for herself. In middle and high school, I was only ever physically threatened by a girl bullies. So idk, I am biased by my trauma I guess.

    • flambonkscious@sh.itjust.works
      4 months ago

      Hey that’s an interesting counterpoint. I suspect your experience is possibly like the shitty analogy of ‘the exception that proves the rule’? (Im trying to avoid completely missing your point, however)

      • nifty@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I am saying for me either man or bear would work, but if woman was a choice I’d probably avoid her unless I knew her really well.

        • Brickhead92@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          But that fits exactly with the bear or man question.

          If posed with the question would you rather be in the forest with a random bear or a random woman, due to your experience, you’d choose the bear. Just like, I would assume, for the vast majority of women they’d choose the bear as well based on their experiences in life.

    • Alacriiity@lemmy.zip
      4 months ago

      As a fellow autist my experience was most people could “sniff” it out even though my parents couldn’t. Women in general were kinder to me out of almost pitty, while men left me alone and just othered me more. Both took advantage of me but I enjoyed the pitty more as a child.

    • ChexMax@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      This is a very narrow perspective. You think you’ve met women who will rape you and then murder you to avoid getting caught? This is what “the bear choosing people are avoiding.” That’s what the women are afraid of. I am sorry you’ve been bullied, and no one should be physically threatened just for being different.

      • nifty@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I don’t think you should be downvoted. I am not judging anyone’s choices, I was just sharing my experience

        • starelfsc2@sh.itjust.works
          4 months ago

          I appreciate your perspective on this as I have similar feelings/experiences, starting in middle school I didn’t have 1 friend who was a girl for the same reason as you. I wouldn’t worry about what’s “worse,” one or the other they’re both terrible experiences, and I’m sorry you had to go through it.

        • TonyOstrich@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Nah, don’t regret saying what you did. I’m mildly on the spectrum and I completely understand what you were saying. The issue here (and most places really) is that of nuance and intent. Within the conversation you have things being filleted through absurd funny lenses as well as serious ones and everyone basically picks which combination they want to look through.

          Sharing your own experience and perspective didn’t negate anyone else’s and you were pretty clear about neutral in your presentation. For whatever any of that is worth.

      • aStonedSanta@lemm.ee
        4 months ago

        Wait. His perspective opening up the conversation to be gender neutral is not narrow your perspective a man has to rape a woman and kill her is. I’m confused.

    • Shou@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      As an autist. I’ve had the opposite experience. The girls in high school weren’t my friends, but they were nice and let me stay around for safety. I’ve been bullied by almost exclusively boys. Physically in person and sneakily behind my back over ye ol twitter too.

      The place I work at is almost exclusively men except for the wife of the CEO and one admin. The men there gossip and judge people harshly.

      I’d take a bear any day. At least those fuckers back down when intimidated or when you pretend to be dead in some cases. I might kill a man who tried to hurt me just to make sure he would never be able to try again. But that’s also not a good ending, even if I somehow manage to beat someone stronger.

      • nifty@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        I am sorry you’re going through this! If you feel like you need someone to talk to, dm me if you’d like

    • Neato@ttrpg.network
      4 months ago

      This isn’t about bullying or helping. It’s about rape and kidnapping. This is an entirely different fear and problem.

      • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        The shit thing is it’s about rape and kidnapping, and not about being eaten alive. All the women are acting like the bear is a fucking teddy bear. Of course I’d prefer to be with a teddy bear then a strange person.

        It’s like covid and antivaxxers. All these women who picked the bear should be dropped off on Kodiak island and left to fend for themselves. One way or another, eventually most living women would pick the man.

        • Nelots@lemm.ee
          4 months ago

          The question wasn’t would you rather share a cave with a man or a bear. No, you have an entire forest to avoid the bear in. Unless you’re for some reason in a forest with a polar bear, the bear is going to leave you alone assuming you don’t piss it off or threaten it. Being eaten alive (it would absolutely kill you first) is simply an avoidable threat. Predictability and avoidability is the key here.

          • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Black bears, sure, probably. Brown bears are fucking dangerous.

            I think a big thing this illustrates is how many people have no idea that wild animals can be dangerous.

            • CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
              4 months ago

              I think a big thing this illustrates is how many people have no idea that wild animals can be dangerous.

              I think a big thing this illustrates is that, the fact that some people even consider bear means many people have no idea that women have been trained to treat any strange man as dangerous. Either through society or past experiences. Either way, that’s fucked up.

              • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                We knew women view men as suspicious. That’s totally fair. Hell, I view men as suspicious.

                We didn’t realize so many women were so absolutely stupid.

                  • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
                    4 months ago

                    “Anyone who disagrees with me is one of the people I’m attacking” is one of the oldest and shittiest arguments of mankind.

            • Nelots@lemm.ee
              4 months ago

              Bear attacks are incredibly rare. Even brown/grizzly bears just want to be left alone, the only bear that actively hunts humans are polar bears. If you’re attacked by a grizzly, it’s because it thinks you’re a threat, not food. Now, true, if you do piss off the bear, then you’re probably fucked. So I’m not saying bears aren’t dangerous, but that their level of danger can be predicted and avoided to at least an extent.

              You can’t really say that about people. Most men are good people and would help you, so on average they’re safer. But unlike bears, you have to ask, “what if they’re one of the bad ones?”, especially so if you’re alone in a forest with them without the punishment of society to deter them. I mean, 1 in 6 women in America have experienced either attempted or successful sexual violence, and again, that’s in a society where they can actually get punished for it. So it’s not exactly a statistical anomaly that the man you’re stuck in a forest with is a bad actor.

              • Cryophilia@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                If women encountered as many bears in their day to day life as they do men, I’m sure the number of deadly bear attacks would be much higher than the rate of assault from strange men.

                It’s stupid on so many levels. Statistically, you’re far more likely to be murdered by a woman than be attacked by a shark. But no one is going around saying that sharks are safer than women.

            • Nelots@lemm.ee
              4 months ago

              Oof. I imagine that’s a rather rare occurrence, but I stand corrected nonetheless.

    • ILikeBoobies@lemmy.ca
      4 months ago

      I wouldn’t worry about it, it’s just a joke

      The scenario is funny because the obvious answer is the human but they picked the bear to say men are bad

      • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        4 months ago

        i think they probably do realize that. The problem here is that their personal experience suggests that men would often be on average, more helpful.

        It’s a weird thing where your life experiences shape you to your core. I trust no one, and rely on no one. It’s just a result of how i’ve been raised, and nothing is going to change that. Because relying on nothing/no one, gives me the ultimate freedom to do what i please. I wouldn’t give that up if it meant i was marginally less lonely.

        Speaking on the question, if i was put in a forest, with someone, or not. I would prefer having someone, at the very least because it’s significantly less boring. That’s mostly because i believe i would be able to hold my own though. Even if i couldn’t, i’m not a naturally antagonistic person, the likelihood that i get paired with a ted bundy is basically fucking zero. So i could very well just appeal to them for long enough that i don’t get killed. People are simple creatures, they like people who understand them, and reciprocate it. I play into that very well. And since we’re here, if i knew for a fact that i couldn’t hold my own, i would have to be presented with figures to make a decision, statistically, im willing to bet that being placed in a forest with someone, as opposed to a bear is probably going to end up ok. More often than not. Statistically at least.

        On a more macro level, i think this statement, and the story and conversation surrounding it, is a much bigger conversation that society needs to have. Unless this has just been a multi day long shitpost that i’m not privy to. I think it would suit the entirety of society, to sit down with one another, and have a genuine discussion, about why we seem to be having such a big problem with this, to see how we can go about fixing it, or at the very least. Improving it. Nobody should have to go through life experiencing constant fear after all.

        • AnalogyAddict@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          It doesn’t take being a Ted Bundy to represent a danger to women. That’s kind of the point. Statistically, women aren’t as safe near men as they would be near a bear.

          And I get that you’d like to think that you’re somehow protected from being in danger. But whether or not someone is assaulted has very little to do with who they are as a person. Claiming otherwise is thinly veiled victim blaming and does little but display your own ignorance on the subject.

          If you’d like everyone to sit down and listen, maybe start by listening when women speak up about their lived experience instead of trying to minimize it. You can’t have a genuine discussion about this when so many are trying to “what about” every time the topic comes up.

          • KillingTimeItself@lemmy.dbzer0.com
            4 months ago

            Statistically, women aren’t as safe near men as they would be near a bear.

            show me the stats that you apparently have? And since we need to be accurate here, we need to do 1:1 relations of human-bear interactions, and woman-man interactions. Otherwise we’re just practicing statictn’ts

            And I get that you’d like to think that you’re somehow protected from being in danger.

            i don’t i’ve interacted with hundreds, if not thousands of people, and walked past probably tens of thousands, it not hundreds within my lifetime. So far i’m not dead.

            I haven’t interacted with a bear that many times. Let alone once. I think i’ll take my chances on the so far proven stat. As opposed to the, unknown stat.

            If you’d like everyone to sit down and listen, maybe start by listening when women speak up about their lived experience instead of trying to minimize it. You can’t have a genuine discussion about this when so many are trying to “what about” every time the topic comes up.

            i mean look, i’m going to be bluntly honest here, i don’t really want to listen, because i don’t care. In the same way that both of us detest murder, but haven’t heard the story of every murder victim through the year. I just don’t really have the brain space to store that right now.

            If you want to talk about the problem, and the potential solutions though, i’m all ears, i love that shit, it’s fun. Also, i’m pretty sure this isn’t about an lived experience, this is more about the collective lived experience, packaged in an inflammatory statement designed to capture the attention and engagement of other people, for the express purpose of gathering attention around the issue, which, to be clear, did work.

            The problem currently is that we’re sitting here, yelling at me, about being a piece of shit or something instead of actually just talking about the underlying problem. Just for the record, i haven’t even read your username, so if you want to come back to respond, i still won’t read your username, so you’re basically anonymous lol.