Beans lots of beans lots of beans lots of beans yeah beans lots of beans lots of beans
How about jeans
Y’all remember the 3-day no poop guy?
Where’s the Stör? Or whatever it was called.
Now we’re getting ready for the vegan cat food memes.
Oh man. Those were good times.
Y’all member stock photos
And beef stroganoff lmfao
Ah yes, FlyingSquid was just a gleam in their fathers eye back then.
Gleam mentioned let’s goooooooooo
I was pretty into it when we were doing vans.
I was here for the whole thing but was too new and too scared to ask what the hell all the beans were about. Can someone explain the
historybeanstory to me?This is as good a place as any to pick a bone with this guy, who promised double the beans upon receiving 2,048 upvotes and, best I can tell, never delivered said beans, despite receiving well over 2,048 votes. The rich get richer.
I stand corrected. I am a fool. Sincerest of apologies and congratulations to all involved.
Or jeans, or beef stroganoff, or every other time lemmy immediately runs a new joke into the ground and continues to do so far beyond when the joke is completely dead
Yeah, memes run into the ground are the best memes. They wrap back around to being funny again.
that’s why i fucking love loss, it keeps popping up in more and more ridiculous and subtle ways, it’s beautiful
I like Loss specifically because the elders have found out how to use it but they don’t know what it means. It’s just a glpyh that deals psychic damage to anyone under 40 and they don’t know why. But instead of misusing it like most other memes they don’t understand, you really can’t misuse Loss. You just stick it somewhere random and watch people scream.
I find it that loss makes me feel the same way a sneaky pun does, once I realise it’s there I groan, but secretly, I love it
You’re referencing one specific tweet of a guy talking about his dad, and the fact that I know that makes me want to scream.
Similarly, Rick Rolling is eternal. It’s kind of got a negative feedback loop. If it gets overused, people stop using it for a while, which just makes people more susceptible to it when it pops up again.
In that same vein - i just lost the game :-(
We continue beating the dead horse in case it restarts it’s heart duh
That’s part of the fun. If has to become unfunny before it can evolve into something funny again
Can’t forget the three day challenge
This is what your prompt yielded.
Looks like he just threw up
It looked to me that he conjured up some food out of the soil, but forgot to conjure a plate and is now, too hungry to wait.
What I don’t understand is the peculiar choice of the person that the AI generated. I didn’t add anything other than the exact text in the above comment and the 2 pictures generated, both had a similar looking person, in a farm-like setting.
Orb you glad its not beans anymore?
Pondering my beans
Pondering my jeans
Flicking my orb
Flicking my bean in my jeans while I ponder my orb
No one should have this much power.
New Lemmy logo just dropped 😄
At least it isn’t narwhals and bacon like the place that shall not be named.
Push button, receive beans.
What’s happened now?
Beans never die.
Eh. Bean there, done that.