• redisdead@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I registered an account specifically to reply to this bullshit ‘this isn’t about you’ deflection.

    This meme says ‘bear or men’ not ‘bear or rapist/molester’. It very specifically targets men, the vast majority of them being not rapists nor molesters. You can’t be like “wait no not all men” when it suddenly benefits you.

    Now before you go in my replies about how fragile I am, I don’t care lol. It’s stupid ragebait for stupid people.

    If you’re a guy offended by this, get a fucking clue, you stupid twat. This tiktok was obviously designed to make you angry for engagement.

    If you’re a girl so scared of men that you’d rather be mauled by a fucking bear than be around a random man, then by all means go for it, I’m not going to stop you, you stupid twat.

    • dot0@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      hey what a coincidence, I registered an account earlier today to make fun of people like you in this thread!

      obviously you don’t see anything wrong with what you said, but for everyone else: notice how this man ended his message.

      what he did there is called casual misogyny. who seriously doubts this man is also the same type of person to be a pissbaby about “misandry”

        • Honytawk@lemmy.zip
          4 months ago

          Nah, misogyny is when you can’t respect a women’s opinion while also calling them a stupid twat for differing from yours.

          You are the bear the thread is talking about.

          • redisdead@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            It’s funny because I also called men stupid twats in my comment and yet you don’t seem to mind, I wonder why.

    • FollyDolly@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      The key here, in case you missed it Mr. Red, is that I don’t know the intentions of the man. I’m rolling a dice on whether this hypothetical man is one of the good ones. The bear might kill me, it might not, but it’s not going to harass me once I get out of the forest. It’s not going to text me at all hours of the day and night asking for a chance because it got me out of the forest. The bear isn’t going to show up at places I’m at and attempt to talk to me. The bear isn’t going to contact everyone I know on social media trying to convice them they are a nice bear who just needs to go on a date with me. The bear won’t write me emails telling me I’m a bitch ass stuck up whore when I refuse them.

      It’s not just the forest, Mr. Red, it’s after the forest. It’s the fallout. I’d rather get ripped apart than take a chance a get a Nice Guy. Once I am out of the woods, I never have to think about that bear again. If it’s a man I run the risk of always having to look over my shoulder, and depending on his level of crazy, maybe getting stalked for the rest of my life.

      • redisdead@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        No no don’t get me wrong, I know why some women picked getting mauled by a bear over being near a man on the off chance they might be a creep. That’s not the issue I am raising.

      • AnalogyAddict@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        Exactly. You can avoid the bear. Worst case scenario, it’s not likely to hunt you down.

        Men read this as if it’s asking about hand-to-hand combat instead of just being stuck in a rather large forest. Which says something about them, too, that they instantly think of it as an inevitable fight.