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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Are you familiar with Jellyfin?


    If you can set up a server of this then its as easy as making the library folder the output folder for yt-dlp


    I didnt even have to write me own script. I gave chatgpt a notepad with channel urls and just told it to write me code to load these urls one by one and download the Last 2 videos. (Trust me you dont want to accidentally download a whole channel). Yt dlp can maintain a log of sort so videos aren’t downloaded more then once.

    I run this script on a schedule and delete the video when i am done with it. Nice and clean. I can also recommend trying to run an invididious instance for general video browsing but mine took some twiddling to setup right.


  • I have a really nice set of whittling knives from the time i was passionately experimenting with a borrowed knife.

    Guess how much time i have whittled since acquiring that set?

    In my defense apparently i missed out on a free tiny whetstone because i bought on a local farmers market rather the amazon page. From this i have convinced myself i need to master knife sharpening and maintenance skills first so i don’t abuse my set.

  • This is a mutual experience that many people can relate to but its mechanics is also core Adhd where this scenario is more extrme and frequent. (Possibly even with important life choices and not just hobbies)

    Normalize acknowledging the smaller neurodivergent features that exists in most people as it can help them understand major ones. but do keep it distinct from “everyone has a bit of adhd/autism/anxiety” which is tonedeaf

  • Why? Does 95% of digital advertisement even serve a single valuable purpose?

    I get that websites need funding and that legitimate business require some way communicate their services exist. We need to solve the problem for the former and create specialized accessible safe spaces for the later.

    When is the last time anyone here saw an ad for a local business, when is the last time anyone recall willfully clicking one? Was there actually anything useful there?

    From what i recall ads almost always are one of the following:

    • sex, barely legal drugs and predatory video games. (Lumped together to make a bad pun)

    • real product/fake price: oh this item isnt in stock plz look at catalog

    • politics, buy our guide to get rich, actual illegal scam operation.

    None of them are honest or respectful to the customer. People aren’t prey, stop baiting.

    Admittedly, for me this is personal. Autism means i experience the extra noise as painful. Plastering it on useful websites feels like a hostile attack to keep me out and unwelcome. I downright refuse to look at watch nor will i support them through ad free subscriptions to the point of it having become a digital disability.

    But come on, can we smart online people really not figure out something else that isn’t based on literal brainwashing.

  • Tech companies are richer than some entire nations.

    Data is literally the new gold and you can bet your profile is being sold and bought for all kinds of statistical analysis.

    To what areas to send flyers, what voting region to draw. From how likely you are to become a potential terrorist. If you have a pattern of consuming that can be reinforced showing an ad at the right time. Or if you have such low income and high debt they don’t need to bother except if they are a predatory money lending service, then they may give you a personal call.

    If there exists data on it then businesses are made specifically to exploit that data.

    But of course you’ll never see or hear what happens to your specific data. Your not supposed to know your being mined for profit and sold to the highest bidding manipulator.

  • It has existed for a while but has been getting more mainstream ik recent years.

    Its a good term because it comes from the community itself rather then being a medical label by a doctor so its inclusive to people with or without diagnosis.

    It also covers many more neurological differences that are not, yet frequently overlap with, autism. adhd, dyslexia,… You dont need to self identify as sick or disabled it often just feels better for me.

  • Gpt4o the windows expert:

    “ The meme references a somewhat obscure feature from older versions of Microsoft Windows called “Briefcase.” Here’s a brief explanation:

    Windows Briefcase:

    • Introduced in Windows 95 and present in several subsequent versions, the Briefcase was a special folder designed to help users keep files in sync between two locations, typically between a desktop and a laptop.

    • You could create a Briefcase on your computer, add files to it, and then copy that Briefcase to another location, such as a floppy disk or another drive.

    • When you made changes to the files on either location, you could use the Briefcase to update the files on both sides by synchronizing them. This feature was particularly useful in the era before widespread use of networked file sharing and cloud storage.

    The meme humorously challenges a supposed “Windows expert” to explain this somewhat outdated and lesser-known feature, implying that true expertise includes knowledge of such old functionalities.”