Aussie living in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Coding since 1998.
.NET Foundation member. C# fan

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • it seems pretty sub-optimal for a personal site to be publicly associated with even a permanent IP address

    What’s the downside you see from having a static IP address?

    I don’t see any way to achieve this without a CDN, unfortunately.

    I think you’re looking for a reverse proxy. CDNs are essentially reverse proxies with edge caching (their main feature is that they cache files on servers that are closer to a user), but it sounds like you don’t really care about the caching for your use case?

    I don’t know if any companies provide reverse proxies without a CDN though.

  • That’s not Cloudflare-specific; you can use any CDN that supports origin pull in the same way :)

    It’s not ideal because… Cloudflare… but at least you’re using standard web tools. To ditch Cloudflare you just unplug them at the domain and you still have a website.

    Definitely agree with this! That’s one of the pain points of “cloud” services - they really try to lock you in, making it impossible to swotch.

    without having to deal with LetsEncrypt.

    You still need encryption between your CDN and your origin, ideally using a proper certificate. Let’s Encrypt (and other ACME services like ZeroSSL) are pretty easy to use, and can be fully automated. I’m using Let’s Encrypt even for internal servers on my network, using a DNS challenge for verification instead of a HTTP one.

    Perhaps its irrational but I’m bothered by how many people seem to think that Github Pages is the only way to host a static website

    It’s strange because out of all the possible options, Github Pages is the most basic. You have to store your generated files in a Git repo (which is kinda gross) and it barely supports any features. For example, it doesn’t support server logs or redirects.

    I guess it’s popular because people already use Github and don’t want to look for other services?

  • You seem to recommend a VPS but then suggest a bunch of page-hosting platforms.

    Other comments were talking about pros and cons of self-hosting, so I tried to give advice for both approaches. I probably could have been clearer about thay in my comment though. I edited the comment a bit to try and clarify.

    I have some static sites that I just rsync to my VPS and serve using Nginx. That’s definitely a good option.

    If you want to make it faster by using a CDN and don’t want it to be too hard to set up, you’re going to have to use a CDN service.

    Self-hosted CDN is doable, but way more effort. Anycast approach is to get your own IPv4 and IPv6 range, and get VPSes in multiple countries through a provider that allows BGP sessions (Vultr and HostHatch support this for example). Then you can have one IP that goes to the server that’s closest to the viewer. Easier approach is to use Geo DNS where your DNS server returns a different IP depending on the visitor’s location. You can self-host that using something like PowerDNS.

  • dan@upvote.autoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldDo you selfhost your own blog/website?
    2 days ago

    A VPS still counts as self-hosting :)

    I host my sites on a VPS. Better internet connection and uptime, and you can get pretty good VPSes for less than $40/year.

    The approach I’d take these days is to use a static site generator like Eleventy, Hugo, etc. These generate static HTML files. You can then store those files on literally any host. You can stick them on a VPS and serve them with any web server. You could upload them to a static file hosting service like BunnyCDN storage, Github Pages, Netlify, Cloudflare Pages, etc. Even Amazon S3 and Cloudfront if you want to pay more for the same thing. Note that Github Pages is extremely feature-poor so I’d usually recommend one of the others.

  • Most developers just write their own feature checks (a lot of detections are just a single line of code) or use a library that polyfills the feature if it’s missing.

    The person you’re replying to is right, though. Modernizr popularized this approach. It predates npm, and npm still isn’t their main distribution method, so the npm download numbers don’t mean anything.

  • That really depends on the company. At big tech companies, it’s common for the levels and salary bands to be the same for both generalists (or full stack or whatever you want to call them) and specialists.

    It also changes depending on market conditions. For example, frontend engineers used to be in higher demand than backend and full-stack.

  • dan@upvote.autoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldSoftware for manga/book reader
    20 days ago

    Which OS?

    On Android, Moon+ Reader is pretty good.

    My wife uses the Amazon Kindle app on her Android tablet. You can use it for non-Kindle books by sending an email to a special email address for your Kindle account:

    Calibre is useful for this. It shows an easy to use “send to Kindle” button, and can convert books in ePub, mobi, etc formats to the format that works best in the Kindle app (AZW3).

    If you want a web interface for Calibre (eg to run on a home server and download books when you’re away from your computer), Calibre-web works well.

  • dan@upvote.autoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldDNS?
    21 days ago

    A recursive DNS server and a local DNS cache/forwarder/are two different things with two different purposes. You will always need both.

    Why do you need two separate ones though? Recursive DNS servers also cache responses. Usually the only reason you’d run a local forwarder/cache is if you’re not running a local recursive server.

  • dan@upvote.autoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldDNS?
    21 days ago

    Throw Unbound on there too as your upstream recursive resolver

    If you want to run your own recursive DNS server, why would you run two separate DNS servers?

    You don’t even need to worry about an encrypted session to your upstream anymore because your upstream is now your loopback.

    Your outbound queries will still be unencrypted, so your ISP can still log them and create an advertising profile based on them. One of the main points of DoH and DoT is to avoid that, so you’ll want them to be encrypted at least until they leave your ISP’s network.

  • dan@upvote.autoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldDNS?
    21 days ago

    AdGuard Home is a better choice than PiHole since it uses DNS-over-HTTPS by default. There’s also an app called AdGuardHome-Sync to sync settings between multiple instances.

    I’d recommend running two DNS servers, and at least one of those separately from the rest of your infrastructure like on a Pi. That way, if you need to pull one of them offline, the internet still works.

  • I was using Debian on desktop for a while. I’ve been using Debian on servers for over 20 years so I figured it’s a good choice. I liked it, but ended up switching to Fedora. The only Linux distro I can use at work is Fedora (we use a modified version of Fedora) and I liked it enough to start using it at home too.

    I appreciate the newer packages, especially for things like KDE Plasma and the Nvidia drivers. For example, Fedora had KDE Plasma 6.1 before Debian had even started packaging 6.0 for experimental.