• 104 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2024


  • As per moderator request, a unique comment for you. Enjoy.

    A time will come when humanity achieves victory in the war on drugs, granting everyone the freedom to decide what substances they put into their bodies. But in that future, will we witness drug users discriminating against those who choose sobriety? Will prisons be constructed for individuals who opt to remain drug-free? Will people face criminal charges for abstaining from substance use? Will drug users use force to impose their lifestyle on others, undermining constitutional rights? Absolutely not. Such actions are reminiscent of prohibitionists, and we are not among them. While marijuana legalization is a step forward, true harm reduction requires the full legalization of all drugs.

  • If you want to be polytato you need everyone to be informed of the nature of things before hand. It’s hard work to make sure everything stays in bounds. Obviously with more people comes more complexity.

    If someone signed up for a burger and fries special and there was suddenly poutine, they will be rightfully pissed.

    That said, people change, and discover hidden parts of themselves all the time. Just be an adult and have a rational conversation when the time comes. Feelings may be hurt but better to do it in a civil manner.

    Consider reading The Ethical Slut if you’re interested in the lifestyle.