Just an explorer in the threadiverse.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023

  • I dunno how to hotlink, but if you scroll to the active users graph at https://fedidb.org/software/lemmy you can see there’s been like a 25% dropoff in active users since the peak in July. Lemmy has still grown 50x since May, and it’s much MUCH more active than it was then. But we’ve definitely crested a peak and not everyone who gave Lemmy a shot then is sticking around in a monthly basis.

    This isn’t necessarily bad. Lemmy is still young and has many rough edges, it wasn’t realistic to win all the users that tried it on ease-of-use in a head to head with reddit. And Mastodon has had multiple growth waves interspersed with periods of declining usage, but with the spikes has grown ie remained stable overall. Early-stage commercial social media have big ups and downs in engagement and growth as well, and just like lemmy those ups and downs are often externally driven… when competitors mess up, when a big global news story hits, when a major sporting event happens… these can all be catalysts for one-time growth. It’s not a straight line.

    Time will tell what user level we stabilize at in the short-term and what events spur new growth, but it’s normal to have a big expansion be followed by some degree of contraction.

  • That’s an interesting report but it’s possible to “work” at different latencies. And unless you have specialized audio capture/playback hardware and have done some tuning and testing to determine the lowest stable latency that your system is capable of achieving… “works” for you is likely to mean something very different than it does to someone who does a lot of music production.

    It remains an interesting question to some users whether Wayland changes the minimum stable latency relative to X and if so whether it does so for better or worse.

  • I’d consider asking in a Linux audio or music production community (I’m not aware of any on Lemmy that are big enough to have a likely answer though). If music production is a primary use case and audio latency matters to you, almost no general users are going to be able to comment on the difference between X and Wayland from a latency perspective. There may not be a difference, but there might and you won’t be likely to learn about it outside of an audio-focused discussion.

  • It may seem kinda stupid to consider that an accomplishment, but I feel quite genuinely proud of myself for actually succeeding at this instead of just throwing in the towel…

    Way to go. I’ve been at this a decent while and do some pretty esoteric stuff at work and at home… but this loop of feeling stupid, doing the work, and feeling good about a success has been a constant throughout. I spent a week struggling to port some advanced container setups to podman a month or so ago, same feeling of pride when I got them humming.

    It’s not stupid to be proud of an accomplishment even if it’s a fundamental one that’s early in a bigger learning curve. Soak it in, then on to the next high. Good luck.

  • I use k8s at work and have built a k8s cluster in my homelab… but I did not like it. I tore it down, and currently using podman, and don’t think I would go back to k8s (though I would definitely use docker as an alternative to podman and would probably even recommend it over podman for beginners even though I’ve settled on podman for myself).

    1. K8s itself is quite resource-consuming, especially on ram. My homelab is built on old/junk hardware from retired workstations. I don’t want the kubelet itself sucking up half my ram. Things like k3s help with this considerably, but that’s not quite precisely k8s either. If I’m going to start trimming off the parts of k8s I don’t need, I end up going all the way to single-node podman/docker… not the halfway point that is k3s.
    2. If you don’t use hostNetworking, the k8s model of traffic routes only with the cluster except for egress is all pure overhead. It’s totally necessary with you have a thousand engineers slinging services around your cluster, but there’s no benefit to this level fo rigor in service management in a homelab. Here again, the networking in podman/docker is more straightforward and maps better to the stuff I want to do in my homelab.
    3. Podman accepts a subset of k8s resource-yaml as a docker-compose-like config interface. This lets me use my familiarity with k8s configs iny podman setup.

    Overall, the simplicity and lightweight resource consumption of podman/docker are are what I value at home. The extra layers of abstraction and constraints k8s employs are valuable at work, where we have a lot of machines and alot of people that must coordinate effectively… but I don’t have those problems at home and the overhead (compute overhead, conceptual overhead, and config-overhesd) of k8s’ solutions to them is annoying there.

  • This is a great approach, but I find myself not trusting Jellyfin’s preauth security posture. I’m just too concerned about a remote unauthenticated exploit that 2fa does nothing to prevent.

    As a result, I’m much happier having Jellyfin access gated behind tailscale or something similar, at which point brute force attacks against Jellyfin directly become impossible in normal operation and I don’t sweat 2fa much anymore. This is also 100% client compatible as tailscale is transparent to the client, and also protects against brute force vs Jellyfin as direct network communication with Jellyfin isn’t possible. And of course, Tailscale has a very tightly controlled preauth attack surface… essentially none of you use the free/commercial tailscale and even self-hosting headscale I’m much more inclined to trust their code as being security-concscious than Jellyfin’s.

  • OP is claiming that they agree with lemmy world’s defederation choices driven by CSAM, which is unquestionably nonsense. Lemmy world admins have made several in depth posts explaining defederation decisions and none of them had anything to do with CSAM. In some jurisdictions, it would likely be illegal to give such an explanation as it would amount to creating a pointer to a source of CSAM that hasn’t yet been taken down. By and large, these things are reported directly to law enforcement and cleaned up quietly, without showing up in modlogs… and in many jurisdictions the law REQUIRES handling CSAM in precisely that fashion in order to prevent it from being archived before it’s taken down.

    Is there a non-zero amount of CSAM in the Fediverse? Sadly yes. Once you achieve a certain scale, people do all the things… even the bad ones. This research paper (from Stanford, it’s reputable and doesn’t include or link to CSAM) discusses finding, in a sample of 320k Mastodon posts, over 100 verified samples of CSAM and something like 1k-3k likely adjacent posts (for example that use associated keywords). It’s pretty likely that somewhere on Lemmy there are a non-zero number of such posts, unfortunately. But moderators of all major instances are committed to taking appropriate steps to respond and prevent reoccurrence.

    Additionally, blahaj.zone defederated from lemmynsfw over the adorableporn community. The lemmynsfw admins take reports of CSAM very seriously, and the blahaj admins stopped short of accusing them of hosting actual CSAM. But they claimed that models of verified age “looked too young” and that the community was courting pederasts. These claims were largely baseless, but there was a scuffle and some of the secondary and tertiary discussion threw around terms like CSAM loosely and incorrectly.

    I think OP is probably hearing echoes of these kinds of discussions 3rd hand and just not paying attention to details. There’s certainly no well-known and widely federated CSAM communities, and all responsible admins would take immediate action if anything like that was found. CSAM doesn’t factor into public federation decisions, because sources of CSAM can’t be discussed publicly. Responding to it is part of moderation at scale though, and somewhere some lemmy admin has probably had to do so.

  • Two tips:

    I have not tried running WINE yet but I plan on doing so soon.

    Steam “just works” on Linux, you can install it via flatpak (which I use) or from their deb repo. It includes “Proton”, which is a fancy bundle of wine and some extra open source valve sauce to make it nice and easy to use. Any game that runs on the steam deck also runs on Linux via proton, and there’s no messing around at all. It looks and feels just like steam on Windows, and thousands of games just work with no setup or config beyond clicking the big blue and green buttons to install and run. Not EVERY games works, but tons do. I’d heavily recommend this over raw wine to a beginner.

    The second tip is not to ask what you can do on Linux. The answer, to a first approximation, is that you can do everything on Linux that you can do on Windows or OSX. I daily drive all three, and mostly do the same stuff on them. Instead, ask YOURSELF what you WANT to do on Linux. Then Google and ask us HOW to do it… or what the nearest approximation is if the precise thing you want to do doesn’t work on Linux.

  • If this is true, what is the admin of the reporting user even supposed to do

    Decide what instances to defederate. They can check up on:

    • Mods of other instances to see if they take appropriate action on reports.
    • Admins of other instances to see if they take action against bad-faith mods.
    • Admins of other instances who generate a disproportionate number of reports per capita, to address structural, cultural, or policy issues that lead the offending instance to be a bigger source of pain/reports than others.

    And finally they can defederate if they don’t like what they find.

  • PriorProject@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlSnapless Ubuntu
    1 year ago

    Very true and good points, and when it comes to snap I mostly agree with you. I would guess the “war on Ubuntu” going on is more due to Ubuntu’s history of making controversial decisions that go against the grain of what most other distros are doing at the time (creating and dropping Mir, creating Unity instead of using GNOME and then switching back to GNOME when they finally got Unity working well, installing an Amazon app out of the box in one version), many of which angered a lot of Linux community members before who are still angry despite Ubuntu rolling back most of those decisions, and they’ve found snap a great current scapegoat issue to use to vent their long-standing frustrations with Ubuntu at.

    I agree with just about every word here. I lived through all this stuff. Mir and Unity were hugely disruptive to the OSS desktop community beyond Ubuntu and I was as salty about them as anyone. If someone is aware of this history and just fucking done with Ubuntu’s bullshit they’ll get no flak from me. I rarely see this coherent an argument made though, it’s much more often “snap bad, use this other distro that’s downstream of Ubuntu and shares all the same foundations but has a different default desktop and disables snap by default”, which I think is pretty nonsense and is rampant in the comments of this post.

    But I’ve done my share of distro hopping and if someone wants to use something else for any reason or no reason… more power to them. I will make the counterpoint that no one has to care about snap specifically and if you just pretend it doesn’t exist then your life will be no different. And if history is any indicator, snap has about 2y left before they abandon it anyway.

  • PriorProject@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlSnapless Ubuntu
    1 year ago

    Tell me more about why I care that snap is setting up loop devices and not that docker is setting up virtual ethernet devices and nftables chains. System tools do system things, news at 11.

    I say again, this impacts my life not at all and there is nothing easier to ignore than snap.

  • PriorProject@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlSnapless Ubuntu
    1 year ago

    … those “pending update, close the app to avoid disruptions” popups are kind of disrupting.

    I don’t exactly disagree that it’s slightly irritating but:

    1. No one declares war on an operating system the way snap haters have over a “restart to update” message. It’s an irritation, but it’s not an irritation proportional to the response snap gets out of people.
    2. Restarting to enable an update or complete an update is not something unique to snap. Except for a tiny number of very advanced live-patching systems like the one some kernel updaters use, every updater either nags you to shutdown to do the update, nags you to restart to finish the update, or doesn’t nag you and the update just doesn’t take effect till you restart (apt falls in this category and it’s not unambiguously better than nagging because you’re silently vulnerable when security patches are shipped until you restart). So again, this is just an extremely unremarkable thing that tons of updaters deal with similarly.

  • PriorProject@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlSnapless Ubuntu
    1 year ago

    I do nothing.

    • I use the Firefox snap. It takes like 800 extra milliseconds to start up on my 10y old laptop and it moves my profile dir. It otherwise impacts my life not at all and is just fine. If it ever bothers me, there PPAs, flatpak, or a dozen other ways to install Firefox that are all perfectly simple.
    • I install other stuff from flatpaks or PPAs or using docker.

    The angst around snap is inscrutable to me. There are 30 million easy ways to install software and they all work on Ubuntu. There is nothing in my life that’s easier to ignore than snap.

  • I haven’t used Tuxedo, but on apt-based distros it’s pretty common for an auto-update daemon of some kind to run in the background on startup to either download updates, or at least download package metadata so some UI component can start nagging you to install the updates that are available.

    If you wait a few minutes, the download should complete and you can do what you want. You can probably get away with killing it, especially if you use a gentle signal like HUP. I wouldn’t risk it though… if you corrupt your package metadata or worse… and actual important package… it can be a significant hassle to clean up the mess. And the cost of waiting 30s-5m and trying again is so low it’s hard to beat that as an approach.

    If its happening a ton you can probably find and disable the auto-update thing but I don’t know what it would be on Tuxedo.