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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • Telling people to vote is not propaganda it’s a call to action, the one that is a duty to all citizens regardless of country.

    You keep using that word far too generally which takes away from your message.

    Lastly, it’s not just annual doom mongering. I’m so sorry you have to see it but it’s a big fucking deal and completely unprecedented for us as an entire goddamn country. Our political plights do NOT just boil down to more advertising.

    We are fighting for our rights and those of us less fortunate. We’re talking not just freedoms but lives. This is not hyperbole, people are dying and more will die and suffer if we do not shout and scream about it.

    I’m sorry our election isn’t easier for you to ignore goddamn. Your final line of how there isn’t a single iota of hope just shows how full of complete shit you are. Shame on you for lying like this.

  • Excuse me??? If not the manufacturer then who? The government???

    The walled garden absolutely should not be destroyed because it’s owned by a private company and they see said walled garden as a way to protect their users from scams that plague many android stores.

    The compute devices are not bound the whims and fancies of the manufacturer at all, the software made available on the company’s own servers are what is bound to their whims, and rightly so because it’s THEIRS and they’re a PRIVATE COMPANY.

    You cannot simply force a company to do what you want simply because you don’t like what they do not allow on their own private store.

    Do you think we should force every other goddamn store in America to sell whatever the gov says they should? Or maybe we should leave that to those that own the store.

    You’re not forced to use that store, if you don’t like it fuck off.

    “Walled garden needs to be destroyed” you’re advocating for a fascist takeover, Apple can remove literally anything they want because it’s their fucking goddamn store. That fact does not mean the “walled garden” should be destroyed, Jesus fucking Christ. Who upvotes these literal brain dead comments

  • This article is about the plight of afghani women and you’ve instead shifted away from the victims to cry about NATO. Can we not discuss anything without running unprompted to the comments to cry about how the US didn’t make this issue any better?

    We don’t need a comment on every article about how the us bad, we need comments related to the actual article. This is why so many people around the world talk about how americans act like they are the entire world. This article isn’t even from an american outlet.

    Like seriously… Can we not condemn the absolute horrid treatment of women without making the conversation about the west?? Why is that so hard? These things are related deeply to culture, history, religion and that should be allowed to be discussed.