This is why I canceled my Netflix and I just watch laser pointer on the wall when I fall asleep.
Me at 20:59
Me at 20:59:59
My SO to me after her 12 evenly spaced out morning alarms all occurred during hours 2-4 of my 5 hours of sleep last night.
I think I literally could not be with such a person. That’s just wasting 3 hours a day. Not to mention how much that annoys me. I mean like verging on rage. And that’s when I hear it from another room.
This is why I still have my alarm set for 4.30am, my wife’s got 9 alarms evenly spaced over 45mins. They start at half past 7, luckily I’m well gone and already at work by that time. If I have a day off and she doesn’t…I sleep in the living room.
Nine?? That’s just ruining REM sleep…damn.
She’s so fortunate, she hits the dismiss button and automatically right back to full on sleep. Takes her under 5 minutes to get to sleep once the light’s out. Me? Weirdly the only place I can fall asleep in less than 45 minutes is on a plane…