I’ve looked and looked over the years, but no microwave I’ve ever owned as let me adjust the wattage, even though I’ve often seen this tip. Is this just an EU thing, or a bougie microwave thing?
Look up the manual for your current microwave. It may be able to, or it might have some programs that have varied levels of power. Some just don’t have the option, tho, so that might be why.
No microwave I’ve seen has ever actually varied the wattage. It just essentially does pulse width modulation, so 60% power might be on (at full power) for 6 seconds and off for 4 seconds. It averages out to the desired power, but it’s not exactly the same as what it kind of implies.
Reason this is good is because the power setting really only affects how often the magnetron switches on and off (usually easy to hear). Lower power = more time off. Many microwave foods say to let it rest for a few minutes, this integrates that into the process(but they’re all different so do experiment)
Except with proper microwaves that actually reduce the power. I’m not sure if it’s just Panasonic, but look for microwaves that mention inverter technology. Essentially they convert AC to DC, and then back to AC in a more controlled and adjustable manner.
Double the time but put power at 60%. You’ll never get frozen lava again.
You’re welcome.
I’ve looked and looked over the years, but no microwave I’ve ever owned as let me adjust the wattage, even though I’ve often seen this tip. Is this just an EU thing, or a bougie microwave thing?
Look up the manual for your current microwave. It may be able to, or it might have some programs that have varied levels of power. Some just don’t have the option, tho, so that might be why.
No microwave I’ve seen has ever actually varied the wattage. It just essentially does pulse width modulation, so 60% power might be on (at full power) for 6 seconds and off for 4 seconds. It averages out to the desired power, but it’s not exactly the same as what it kind of implies.
I see, thank you for the explanation! I thought I was just stupid at microwaves.
Reason this is good is because the power setting really only affects how often the magnetron switches on and off (usually easy to hear). Lower power = more time off. Many microwave foods say to let it rest for a few minutes, this integrates that into the process(but they’re all different so do experiment)
Except with proper microwaves that actually reduce the power. I’m not sure if it’s just Panasonic, but look for microwaves that mention inverter technology. Essentially they convert AC to DC, and then back to AC in a more controlled and adjustable manner.
Don’t know how you’re getting down voted for this? This feature is going to be the new standard for microwaves.
No way. My microwave has a single button. “Add 30 seconds”. Anything else is just decoration.
I will never understand this one. Like, at least respect yourself enough to think you deserve literal seconds worth of effort
Edit: maybe nobody has ever told you. Hey, you have value and worth. You’re deserving of good things and worthy of reasonable effort to achieve them.
My dude, I’m using a microwave. For meals I care even a little about I’m busting out the air fryer.
I just roll the dice and use the reheat button. 90% of the time it works every time