• mmcintyre@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I just want to say that I feel like most people in this this thread have never been raped by a man. I have and I just have to ask, did this bear molest you in any way? Lay a paw on you? Stalk you? Kill you? Rob you? Threaten you? Fire you? Beat you up? Talk shit about you to the other bears?

    Like what in hell is this little story, guy? You saw a bear, you’re a fucking coward, the end. Oh wait… and some TV show - bears are bad, m’kay?

    Like “Listen hear ladies, there’s a bunch a dipshits who went and got themselves scared by bears, including me! You should also be afraid” (Oh, we are). My man, even men (and boys) are molested, raped, murdered, or just disappeared, like we’ll likely never know what happened to them… at rates that bears just don’t even give a shit about because they’re fucking bears and they really aint about just killing and mutilating a mother fucker (or a mother) like a man actually is, right now, probably not to far from you.