• Chill Dude 69@lemmynsfw.com
    6 months ago

    Can we take a sidebar over here, and recognize how VIOLENTLY (possibly literally) English speakers would reject that sort of sometimes-it’s-actually-legally-binding official language board?

    Even those Karen type motherfuckers, who will openly yell at people at McDonald’s for speaking some non-English language would FULLY reject any ivory-tower shithead telling THEM exactly how to speak English.

    I mean, they would be the FIRST people to to reject that shit, and they would reject it the most forcefully. And they would be entirely correct, for once. The duty of dictionary compilers, linguists, and everyone else in that general field is to RECORD the evolution of languages. It is never their duty to PRESCRIBE usage.

    That is, and I’m choosing my words very carefully here, SOME NAZI SHIT. It’s authoritarian nonsense. It’s never okay. For any reason. Whatever reason you think you have, it’s not good enough.

    Try to legally enforce rules on how I can speak my own language? Do that right to my face? Some stick-up-the-ass language Gestapo comes at me with that shit, I’m liable to loosen his fucking teeth. Then he could see how ironic it’d be, when he couldn’t pronounce any fricatives correctly. Don’t test me. I will do it. And so will every other English speaker, regardless of race, creed, class, color, nationality, etc.

    That’s why no majority-English-speaking nation has any of these fascist-ass language academies. We won’t stand for it.