• 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 17th, 2021


  • I absolutely hate this situation and I was going to write a whole thing about how we wouldn’t do the same thing if an upstanding husband and father was convicted of murder, except oh yes people literally actually do do the same thing. You’ll literally have letters written like “he made a mistake but he has kids at home please go easy on him” as if actual murder isn’t a pretty big disqualifier.

    I guess we humans have a blind spot to the most common sins versus the mythical perfect criminal who spits on babies and hails satan…

  • All contracts are negotiable, you did nothing wrong other than not having a conversation before wasting paper, the main issue is that for most people the negotiation is “if you want to work here you have to agree to all this.”

    But yeah reasonable accommodation and mutual understandings, etc, should be written down and signed. I challenged the non-disclosure agreement at my job once because it literally said I couldn’t talk about my work with ANYONE, and a plain reading of it would mean I’d be unable to even talk to my boss about what I was supposed to be doing. It was poorly written and probably unenforceable. My boss didn’t like that so I signed it anyway and then focused on finding work elsewhere (he was a dick and his company got raided by the FBI a few years later)

  • It used to be that everything in Linux was a file, ideally a text file, so if you could find the right file you could access or change what you wanted. Systemd is a big program that manages a bunch of stuff and creates unique commands within its programs for doing so, which moves away from that principle and turns system management into what feels a bit more microsofty (like the registry editor program vs editing config files, etc) and a lot of people don’t like that. But to its credit, it does solve a few problems with cobbling together a modern system that doesn’t suck.

  • A few gigs of zeroes will prevent random drive-bys. At that point the partition and filesystem table of at least the first partition is overwritten and you “can” recover files off it but you’ll be missing filenames and at least half the files will be corrupt due to fragmentation losing track of which files are where.

    I agree with Ono that shred is a good tool for this. If you don’t want to use that, try increasing the block size to at least 1M if not 16M to reduce the overhead.

  • It’s unfortunate but there are a ton of shitbag people out there whose method of using the Internet is to be as shitty as they can be. Whether it’s fascism, abuse, sexism, racism, harassment, or just being the kind of person nobody wants to be around, these are real-life humans who’ve always been around and volunteer moderators/admins have always had to deal with. It’s as old as Usenet and if you’ve ever done in-person community management you know that it’s just a feature of our society in general. (People are just a little more wary of being yelled at and punched in person though.)