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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. It’s harder to drift if you can fully saturate your thoughts with the book. The moments where your brain already understands where a sentence is going, that’s when it gets bored and starts thinking of something else while your reading speed catches up. This made a huge difference for me and counterintuitively it significantly improved my reading comprehension and reduced those moments of getting to the bottom of the page, not knowing what you just read. It’s like a disconnect between reading the words and processing them. It also just makes it less tedious to reread a section, since you’re blasting through it so much faster. Seriously, give it a shot.

    There’s speed reading apps that will flash the words at a faster pace so you have to keep up. Just bump up the speed til it’s a little uncomfortable.

  • tehmics@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlit is full
    10 months ago
    1. The nitrogen is to keep them from going stale in oxygen. The amount of nitrogen across various chip manufacturers ranges from 19% gas all the way to 59%. That discrepancy range is where the psychology comes into play.

    2. The gas is partially pack fill to keep them from getting crushed, obviously. My whole point was that it is significantly more gas than necessary for pack fill.

    Fact is if you make the package look bigger, people think there’s more. There’s a reason we have laws about unnecessary slack fill. Nice try though, Dwight

  • We can certainly argue over what they’re designed to do, and I definitely agree that’s the goal of them. The reality though is that on some level it is impossible to separate assertions from the words that describe them. Language itself is designed to communicate ideas, you can’t really create language without also communicating ideas, otherwise every sentence from an LLM would just look like

    “Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like”

    They will readily cite information that was fed to them. Sometimes it is on point, sometimes not. That starts to be a bit of an ethical discussion on whether it is okay for them to paraphrase information they were fed, and without citing it as a source of the info.

    In a perfect world we should be able to expand a whole learning tree to trace back how the model pieced together each word and point of data it is citing, kind of like an advanced Wikipedia article. Then you could take the typical synopsis that the model provides and dig into it to judge for yourself if it’s accurate or not. From a research standpoint I view info you collect from a language model as a step down from a secondary source and we should be able to easily see how it gets to that info.

  • tehmics@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldThe Design is Very Human
    11 months ago

    Still a setting in any game worth caring about. I still prefer inverted in some cases.

    Something like a mounted turret makes more sense inverted if you think of the mouse as an analog of your hand. Moving the handles down would move the tip of the barrel up. This analogy could easily extend to a two handed rifle or even a hand gun if your mental reference is the back of the gun, the handle

  • Yeah, don’t be loyal is exactly what this post is about imo. Switch to whoever is treating you better. Every company eventually gets so big they can bully from the top. As soon as they do that you just go to the scrappy competitor that’s actually providing higher value.

    Nvidia used to have the better price to performance and compatibility so I was ‘team’ Nvidia for a long time and just didn’t consider AMD, even after they became more viable. Now I’ll consider switching to AMD. Open source especially gets my attention