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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I only logged about 3-4 hours in that game and only encountered 2 battles. The story up to that point put me off too before it even picked up stream, like a classic “prince ascending to throne and hey here’s your betrothed future queen who you don’t quite get along with, oh hey bandits” Maybe my expectations were too high with the hype the story was getting. The dialog is so drab, it’s a chore to click through.

    I just wanted to play a modernized FF Tactics, but I couldn’t even find the game within triangle strat.

    I had also got FF7 crisis core reunion shortly before that. I put too many hours into that expecting it to evolve but the gameplay is nothing more than a grind in featureless terrain that you only have the option of fast-traveling to.

    Then I realized this was my first time to play squeenix. I was expecting squaresoft.

    I won’t get another squeenix game.

  • The headline shared is somewhat sensationalized editorialization.

    “Toutes les hypothèses”, dont l’instauration de l’état d’urgence, sont envisagées par l’exécutif pour “le retour de l’ordre républicain”, a déclaré Elisabeth Borne vendredi 30 juin.

    Note the part in quotes said by PM is “Toutes les hypothèses”. The part about a state of emergency (l’état d’urgence) is added by the author of the article in between her actual quotes, with “dont”, to show what the writer is implying can be included in that.

    Included in “all hypothesis” I could also imply and add… well basically anything I want to.

    I’m not saying there won’t be state of emergency. Just making the actual context of this headline clear to non french readers.

  • Ah, well I don’t know the specific details. So I’ll have to go off of just your one sentence summary… But what you describe is good in general. It should in theory help to address the oppressed groups, which largely overlap with minorities so will indirectly benefit them. It seems to be making a good target on groups that need it, while avoiding the counterproductive targeting, though it still could be used by bad actors to only let poor whites in. I don’t know how to resolve that level.

    It’s another type of drop in the bucket thing that is needed, and it seems evident that more things are still needed.

    Edit to add: And if the UC program are admitting very unqualified students from those groups at the cost of accepting other more qualified students, they might lead to similar problems as AA too. So hopefully they’ve found an amicable balance. And also btw it doesn’t have to be a zero-sum after all, filling one slot doesn’t have to remove another, slots can be added in various ways.

  • Binding of Isaac is my favorite.

    If you are curious about a classic originator in the genre, and willing for a steep learning curve, I highly recommend to check out Nethack: “NetHack is a single-player roguelike video game originally released in 1987 with ASCII graphics. It is a descendant of an earlier game called Hack, which is a clone of Rogue” It’s still under development today! I prefer the tile-based versions over the ascii versions. And if you can play it on a touch-screen device, that can be an even better experience.