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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Because it’s an open Instruction Set Architecture.

    Many different companies used to design their own CPU IS architectures in the past like (MIPS, AVR, PIC, …) and of course the most popular ARM. Downside of this is that the software and ecosystems between these architectures are not compatible. Effort wasted in porting a library to one architecture cannot be always reused for another.

    Recently we see a lot of companies adopting RiscV, and there is a big collaboration between them to ratify the specification and provide software support. This will in turn accelerate the development, and software and hardware support will hopefully overtake ARM in the future.

  • If france wants to ban american propaganda, I am sure no american will shed a tear lol

    I strongly disagree. If they didn’t care they wouldn’t be buying media companies abroad.

    Everyone agree that’s the state has authority over foreign bad actor speach. We are discussing here state censoring their own citizen’s peach which is highly problematic esp in so called “democracies”

    Not everyone agrees. Allowing a government to decide who is a bad actor and ban the media is bad, that’s how countries fall into dictatorships and create narrative for their citizens. Just look at nazi Germany.

  • Redirecting the blame will not solve anything, you can blame rich people for many bad things happening, but blaming them for anything that crosses your mind is making your argument weak.

    I saw the children that were burning the cars last night, they are at max 16-17 yo. They need to learn that their actions have consequences, it is a part of growing up. Telling them that what they are doing is fine “because rich people exist”, they will never take responsibility for their actions, and will always find someone else to blame. There is no possible way for you to justify their actions, because violence does not justify more violence.

    I strongly suggest you to stop labeling people you disagree with as fascists. It seem to me that you don’t even know what fascism is. I don’t know how old you are, you sound really young. Its really hard to take you seriously in a discussion with that attitude.

  • Hey man, first relax. You are accusing me of being fascist because I was against defederating. What I am standing against is what you just said, that my opinion doesn’t matter. Even though I don’t agree with you I will never say that your opinion doesn’t matter, that is my stance against defederation. I don’t agree with what they are posting on exploding heads, but I don’t think their opinion doesn’t matter.

    The paper from the car burned last night, it was a father not a mother my mistake. “Merci pour un papa seul que va bien galérer avec ses 3 enfants”. Do you think this person deserved to be left without a car, while he was struggling bringing up 3 children? Did he have anything to do with the killing of Nahel? Why is he the one that is getting the consequences?

    Edit: I was using harsh words in the first comment, I was still under the impression for what was happening outside.