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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 12th, 2024


  • “Again, we want to make clear our unreserved apology to Anna Landre and we are making every effort to ensure this doesn’t happen again.”

    That’s the thing though, isn’t it? The entire point of her advocacy…of anyone’s advocacy when it comes to their disability…is for able-bodied people to think ahead to make sure that the same services they enjoy and places through which they can travel can also be accessed by disabled people as well.

    Apologizing ex post facto and “making every effort to ensure this doesn’t happen again” really just means “we’ll make sure we have ramps available next time.” It doesn’t mean they are committing to choose well-contrasting colors in their documentation for ease of reading for color blind people, or that as a matter of habit they will have sign language interpreters on call for every event, or any number of other things. The “Oops, We Dun Goofed” apology promise is almost always just to not to do that particular goof no more.

  • I don’t play NMS all that much, but if they put out a Ko-Fi link or whatever and said “Hey, we wanna treat our hard working team to a nice Christmas bonus, but our funds are tied up in [payroll / new game development / whatever]; if you’d care to toss a few bucks their way, here’s the link”, I’d toss them $20 immediately. With all the enshittification of gaming going on right now, fuck yes I’d help those fucking beauties toward giving their families a nice holiday.