• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • mryessir@lemmy.sdf.orgOPtoFediverse@lemmy.worldRq: How to Mastodon
    3 days ago

    That’s something (interesting) to unpack but wouldn’t belong here. Anyhow for the sake of my personal benefit I proceed to comment.

    You answered everyting per se. So thanks.

    There is a connection between a lot different Software Platforms on the Fediverse, but not every feature is on every plattform. So you are not able to downvote a Lemmy post from Mastodon.

    Makes sense: Mastodon does not have downvotes, apparently. But:

    You have the option to interact with Lemmy posts with a Mastodon account …

    Is this also valid the other way around? Are there peer-reviewed documents I can inspect to learn how the fediverse can interact between eachanother? I did not look into the protocol since standards wouldn’t address my higher level view I have applied here, I suppose.

    I have never used the Mastodon app, i think a lot 3rd Party apps are better on Mastodon, so i don’t know how it looks, but Mastodon has, or had, a weird form in showing commet trees in my opinion.

    I downloaded the fediverselab app prior but it didn’t allow sorting either. Which is why I made the above assumption.

    The mastodon app appears to be a very good piece of software; Better then the former.

    The app doesn’t allow opening links from any instance but it appears to me that they do not want to provide a wildcard intent (android-API specifica) so that they will be mentioned when tapping any link on ones android device. A thing which has to be implemented at build time and would possibly still leak private instance domains. It looks carefully engineered.

    // edit #2: fat font

  • Sorry, not a native speaker.

    Today I dipped into mastodon. I thought an app would aid explorability, it didn’t.

    I couldn’t downvote - even after registration - so I made this post. Within lemmy I can disagree with a downvote if I strongly do so.

    So I am serious if such platforms should only be read but engaged with. Because it was the most hostile website/app interaction I encountered since I am on the internet.

  • vim is more then simple file editing.

    • netrw (interactive file manager)
    • copen/lopen (windows to connect, e.g. external programs)
    • :global, %s/, etc. which form text manipulation language (from editor ed, I guess)
    • args & argsdo (multi-file editing)
    • filetype (hooks for the user)
    • ctrl_X completion modes
    • motion (fluent & with jumplist to walk forward/backwardl
    • undotree (persisting, unlimited, timebased - on-demand)
    • macros (record and replay keypress)
    • romainl (awesome community member)

    vim for one-time tasks at work. When people are proposing to script something, I open buffers, normalize the data and filter the results. I think in vim and I would very, very much recommend it, if you work with data or are a dev.

  • I can’t honestly recall or put my finger on it what I did wrong.

    Choose fedora because it used my laptop subwoofer and wasn’t a rolling release. I remember each time (x2) reading about how to update the distro and each time my system was completely borked. I went to debian, read upon alsa, made my subwoofer work with a homegrown script and never looked back.

    To this day I am wondering if people recommending redhat are trolls or paid.

  • Graphics driver for sc8280xp are already a thing. There are more issues in convenience daily driving linux, currently. From the top of my head:

    • firmware update path
    • dtb update/loading path
    • no virtualization
    • no universal dock compability
    • missing HDMI/DP features

    I suspect that these issues are common between their ARM chips and will be addressed for both chips almost simultaneously. But I have no real idea on kernel development. And their documentation is only shared with linaro so one can only guess.

  • It is bearable but feature complete. Every month linaro and the community add functionality. The most recent things include a custom power-domain mapper implementation and apparently camera support.

    If you are running wayland you can simply install any os and its working oob.

    The laptops weight and heat production is awesome. Very practical. Also the body is exceptional sturdy and worth mentioning (even in comparsion to a T14, e.g.).


    • external monitors are not detected at boot
    • no hibernation
    • battery time is very depended on the task. It ranges from 4 to 13 hours.
    • no virtualization support, so one is stuck with tiny code generator runtime when using kvm
    • audio is pretty quiet, so depending on the environment an external source is required.

    I followed almost all patches on the lkml. It appears to me that the upcoming chip can benefit from the sc8280xp hugely. It sufficies for my use cases but I promised myself a little better, yet.