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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Controlling Fossil Fuel prices can prevent other private entities from driving up inflation of commodities. It doesn’t have to be permanent, you could effect a set goal for 6 years, evaluate the results every 6 weeks, and tweak the pricing to prevent inflation/deflation cycles.

    While you control the transport costs, you can now plan on how much energy it is consuming to do the logistics. Even setup renewables for the remote regions with medium to large capacity backups ( not just chemical batteries, but pumped storage and other practical solutions ).

    You could increase the buffer between different urban zones, commercial, industrial, heavy commercial, dense residential, suburbian.

    • Energy storage densities.
    • Vehicular traffic densities.
    • Public transport frequencies.
    • Private traffic exemption zones.
    • Cycling/Pedestrian infrastructure.
    • Rent-controlled segmentation.
    • Recreational facilities , maintenance and usage.

    All of these things can be measured, calculated, even funded by simply controlling the Fossil-fuel prices.

    Imagine 10 or 20 stadiums with Extra-Large battery backups, only on game-nights the full bank would see utilization, rest of the time, half or even quarter of the load can be saved up for fluctuations. In emergencies the stadium provides power, safety, shelter and communal support.

    So many things can be planned around transportation and logistics. Fossil-fuel literally drives a lot of the traffic. Measure, calculate and control that and you have a reliable method to make sensible common sense decisions. Transparent for all citizens to see the data and the correlation. Accountable for every cent.

  • systemd nightmare needs to end. Too many broken garbage from malicious actors within the opensource community.

    Just as an experiment, get every distro to have at least 2 or 3 SysVInit / runit / rc.init alternatives, and you will see a MASS Migration back to SysVInit. Bash/shell script init functions were really dead simple and almost unbreakable/hackerproof.

    Systemd really needs to be thrown in the garbage dumps of history so we can finally have a UNIX-like boot back.

  • If everyone was being responsible, there would be a social net, a garbage sorter job, a garbage recycler employer, an ethical reasonable salary, and it would be a safe governed work environment, it would give dignity back to the downtrodden. People would reject corruption.

    Garbage dumps get set on fire, the fumes are toxic, medical waste gets thrown out and mixed in, people who are living on garbage dumps are in HELL. NO ONE SHOULD LIVE ON GARBAGE DUMPS!

    Set up NGOs and involve government orgs to regulate and oversee care and attention for these people.

    These things cannot happen in India because the indian population will not care. FUXK YOu GOT MINE is a typical indian mindset.

  • I live in India. I have 3 sorting bins. 1 composting organic waste bin, 1 non-recyclable plastics/glass bin, 1 recyclable plastics/metal/paper bin.

    I spent 3000 INR buying the composting organic bin ( to support the local business selling it and reusables about 1000 INR per year )

    I get back about 200 INR every 6months for going to local recyclers with roughly 2 to 5 kilos of metal + plastics.

    About 2 kilos of waste not-recycled every month total ( 2 people ) .


    Im sad my fellow humans do not understand what responsibility is like.

  • maniii@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldfin
    23 days ago

    Unless you spent 1000s of dollars buying saucers and hammers and lollipops or something garbage that lets you finish without actually playing.

    I hate these “gatcha” gaming nonsense where you pay-to-win.

  • Im on openSuse Leap 15.5 and I moved to Pipewire back when I had 15.3 I believe. I had that issue where all output devices/input devices got smashed together. I stuck with it for couple of months and I believe the later versions fixed that. Now I am painfree and never bother with audio ever again. I used to have frequent pulseaudio crashes which is why I switched over to pipewire.

  • Your suggestion is not wrong despite people not liking it. OpenSuse Leap or TW and Fedora even SilverBlue can be good for Linux newbies.

    I have got both OpenSuse Leap and Fedora 37 on old-people systems and they are happy to browse using Chrome and edit using Libreoffice. etc.

    Windows or Linux is as much suitable for the people who can use it and need it. No need to force anyone to use anything.

  • I believe pfizer? and some other pharma companies have now admitted to the non-zero risk for blood-clots and fatally-low platelet counts due to the vaccine. We still do not understand the full long-term impact of the vaccines. We need to stop the vaccine rollout and study the long-term and wider population effects now so that if in 10 or 20 or 30 years down the line if we start seeing people developing abnormal long-term systemic chronic effects due to the vaccines, we now have a MASSIVE study-patient-base available.

    Medicine has to be RESPONSIBLY applied and while vaccinations are necessary they still have to be studied to death to ensure their safety and efficacy.

    Private corporations DO NOT GET A FREE PASS.