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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • The US effectively did. There’s no other explanation for why US elected and career officials were present in Ukraine during small and violent anti-government protests, and there’s no other explanation for how and why the US state department chose the next leader of Ukraine after the democratically elected and widely supported President Yanukovych was forced to flee in fear for his life. Ukraine for all practical purposes lost its sovereignty in February 2014.

    If you’re talking about the small peninsula of Crimea, the residents of Crimea democratically chose to secede from Ukraine and rejoin Russia.

    It’s not easy, but it’s very much worth taking some time to understand what sovereignty and democracy actually mean, both in theory and in practice.

  • Let’s be real here, the Federal Republc of Germany has done nothing of importance since 1945 without at least consent, if not by the instruction, of the US empire. The post war industrialization was funded with US capital for the benefit of the US capitalist class, and now the deindustrialization is for the benefit (at least they perceive it this way) of the US capitalist class.

    I think it would be more than embarrassing, it would be destabilizing to admit that the Federal Republic is ultimately little more than a US vassal.

  • Famine in Africa is inevitable because of imperialist resource extraction and oppression. For example food “aid” is distributed (actually sold) by the US to keep resource rich nations dependent on imports of food staples, and policies by institutions such as the IMF, World Bank, and USAID prevent resource rich countries from developing their own agriculture in order to be self sufficient. Once the natural resources are all extracted and shipped off to the imperial core, the food imports will also dry up (as there’s no more foreign exchange to buy it), and these countries will collapse. If you don’t believe me you can read it from the World Bank itself.

    The world can more than handle the projected global population peak. Imperialism cannot.

  • Commends me on engaging some of the content in good faith.

    Then makes bad faith arguments based on strawman arguments, demonstrably false information, and racist concern trolling to shut down my other salient points and project deflection on to me.

    Sorry I just can’t with the hypocrisy here. Maybe I am shooting myself in the foot, but I just can’t with this kind of western bullshit. All for open dialog until someone challenges their worldview.

  • “Anti-CCP” is anti-China. The whole “hate the government not the people” charade is just a lame cover for racism and imperialism. Even the simple use of the incorrect “CCP” rather than the correct CPC is enough to indicate a person’s stance.

    The sources linked even discuss how China is increasing social spending in a multitude of ways, but all that information is left out and instead the spectre of “overcounted or inflated numbers and sugar-coated CCP policies” and western concern trolling tells the story.