• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Expected to hear about how Elon, China, or Russia may have been involved to get cheap lithium…

    But apparently it’s that this was a setup to generate support for the current admin. And yeah, shit kind of seems like that:

    “If it was a coup, the presidency would have purged the armed forces,” said Col. Jorge Santiesteban, a Bolivian security expert. “The president rewarded the commander-in-chief who didn’t do anything about a major insurrection committed by his subordinate.”

    It was also odd that the rebellion was led by Zúñiga, a loyalist who owes his position and high rank to President Arce.

    Photos of Arce and Zúñiga shooting hoops together just days before June 26 splattered across social media. As rumors swirled about their close friendship, senior Cabinet member María Nela Prada went on Bolivian TV, unprompted, to say the two are not brothers-in-law.

  • I always like the theory that the entire Starfleet is just a relief valve for people who can’t be satisfied in a post scarcity utopia

    They could stay on Earth and cause problems, or they can boldly go far the fuck away from an ideal society.

    A high turnover of senior leadership due to stupid risks means that there’s room for promotion and ambitious people stay in the fleet.

    Otherwise they’d return to Earth and fuck up society.

    Historically, every society needs some kind of relief valve like this or domestic issues develop. Once it’s an entire world government, they need that relief valve to vent off planet. And that’s what Starfleet is.

  • The two main Haredi (Ultra-orthodox) parties are significant part of Netanyahu’s coalition, and they have always had a disproportionate power compared to the Haredi population because almost all Haredi voters vote for them.

    100% not trying to be a dick, because I appreciate the insight.

    But is there a typo in there?

    Or are you saying that the population will always just vote for the party because of shared religious beliefs…

    Even though the party acts against those beliefs?

    Like, I’m not trying to argue if that’s logical. I’m American, we have far right abrahmic extremists too that unironically support trump despite him pretty much doing the opposite of their religious guidance at every chance. No judgement on that, I’m not asking you to defend them.

    I’m just asking if I’m understanding you right about what’s going on. Because I don’t understand how the Ultra Orthodox party can have “disproportionate power” over their own voting base.

    Except in the context that they just vote for whoever their religious leaders tell them to without question or thought.

    But also, a lot of shit has gone down since 2016… Those numbers might not be up to date