Barbershop quartet singer, weight-loser, philosophy student of life

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • That reminds me of an old joke:

    The three biggest lies:

    • “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.”
    • “Of course, I’ll respect you in the morning.”
    • “This machine is 100% IBM compatible.”

    One thing that I remember on clones was a timing switch. The IBM PC was slower than the clones, and games often didn’t run as expected unless you slowed down the processor.

    The Apple II was biggest software/installed base, the Atari 800 had the best graphics, CP/M machines had established business software already.

    My impressions: Apple II and Commodore weren’t really after the business market. CP/M machines were although I only knew of one guy that owned one (and he ran a BBS of all things from it). Those interested in Apple or Commodore and Atari were probably not trying to run a business of a lot of size. Don’t forget the Tandy TRS-80 stuff too.