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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • I read that as commandlets and now I’m worried Powershell has given me brain damage…

    1. if ((Get-God).Count -gt 1){Set-God -Identity “YHWH”}
    2. Get-Idol | Remove-Idol
    3. foreach($godsname in ((Get-God).Name){ if (($speech -like “$godsname”) -and ($speech.vain)) {$speech = “”}}
    4. Set-Reminder -Start (Get-Date “06/29/2024”) -Reoccurance 7 -Subject “Holy”
    5. Set-Person -Relation “Mother” -Honor $true; Set-Person -Relation “Father” -Honor $true;
    6. $murder = $false
    7. $adultry = $false
    8. $stealing = $false
    9. if ((Get-Truth $speech) -eq $false){$speech = “”}
    10. $NoCovet=(Get-Property -SearchDepth 2) + (Get-Person -Relation “Neighbor”)

  • I never said the Bible was consistent… It is actually one of the things I find fascinating about the whole thing. How does turn the other cheek square with old testament violence?

    I know the easy answer, that it is all just made up, but even so these passages are two thousand years or so old and have been a major part of societies and cultures, which included many great thinkers and theologens more knowledgeable than me or any random person online.

    Even if this is all a two thousand year old, self perpetuating delusion, that itself would be fascinating…