Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I find it immensely hilarious that out of all the crazy shit in FF6 like suplexing the train that takes people to the afterlife, abducting a feral kid from the Veldt, plots with mind control tiaras, Moogle genocide, Kefka poisoning an entire castle full of people, and a globe-trotting homocidal octopus, it was the Three Dream Stooges that were the last straw for your friend.

    …That game actually comes off sounding really weird if you try to describe it in a single paragraph.

  • I had to guess, since the trailer doesn’t really specify, this game is probably supposed to be set in the time between the Night Sentinels find the Doomguy and when he winds up in that casket dug up by the UAC. I imagine we will witness the title of “Doomslayer” being bestowed upon him in an inevitable and predictable cutscene midway through the game.

    The trailer shows him being fired at a planet’s surface from a Makyr looking ship/satellite thing and we know the Night Sentinels were at some point soldiers of the Makyrs.

  • The Doom64 Doomguy is also the original Doomguy. He was the one who was reassigned to Mars as punishment for punching his superior officer, was the only man left standing after the original demon invasion incident on Phobos and further went on to clear out Demios while it was hovering over hell, and then descended to hell itself (Doom 1). He then returned to Earth where, upon discovering that the demons killed his pet rabbit (along with a majority chunk of humanity) goes on a roaring rampage of revenge through “your hometown” (per Doom 1 and Doom 2’s text crawls) and then hell again to ultimately take out the Icon of Sin. In Doom 64 he was sent back by the military to deal with the Mother Demon who was apparently resurrecting all the demons and monsters from before. The Doom 64 Doomguy is explicitly the original one, and was recalled specifically because he survived the previous episodes and had past experience in killing demons real good.

    After the Mother Demon’s defeat the Doomguy apparently remains in hell with no way back and continues slaughtering demons and the undead until he is kicked/portaled out by a demon in hell to Argent D’Nur (in a bit added to Doom 64 from Doom Eternal) and ultimately inducted into the ranks of the Sentinels. Then Doom 2016 and Eternal happen.

    Doom 3 is unrelated to this entire arc, somehow.

  • Was it actually him? I was under the impression that history did not relate what happened to him afterwards, nor who he was. That’s not to say the CCP did not murder a couple of thousand people during the crackdown regardless, because they did, but I have never seen a verifiable claim that a picture of any particular corpse actually was the Tank Man. There are numerous theories I’ve seen floated over the years alleging what may have happened to him afterwards ranging from him being caught and imprisoned, executed, living anonymously in China, or fleeing to Taiwan. All of them are unverified and, of course, mutually exclusive.

    The tank operators absolutely did attempt to (and succeeded at) avoid running him over. That much is plainly visible in the video. Whatever happened after the video ended is undocumented and pure conjecture. Plenty of well documented atrocities actually were committed that day, before and after that moment, so there’s not much sense in inventing new ones and bickering over details we haven’t actually got.

  • See, this is exactly my point in my other comment above. I could do this in about five seconds with Corel PhotoPaint.

    1. Make a new document that’s arbitrarily large.
    2. Import both (or all 3, or all 10, or however many) images. (Images can be batch imported.)
    3. Snap the first one to the top left corner.
    4. Snap the others below it. Their corners and edges will click together if you have alignment guides enabled. 4a. Optionally resize any of the images by just typing in the value you need in pixels, in the toolbar when it’s selected. If you need to know the size of any other image, just click it and it’ll tell you. It’s not even in a menu.
    5. Crop tool (D) to knock the oversized canvas down to whatever size you need. Again, you can just type this in, in pixels, and it’s not even buried in a menu.
    6. Export, post, accumulate lulz.

    Export to a flat format (.jpeg, .png, .gif, whatever) and your output will be flattened. You don’t need to think about layers or merging or layers being bigger than the canvas or not. There is no, “Be careful not to XYZ.” What you see in the preview is what the output will look like. Period. You can even apply your monitor’s color calibration to it or the color profile of any other output device (printer, a different monitor, etc.) on the fly if you are a big enough nerd.

    You can do this in an even simpler dumber way in CorelDRAW!

    1. Import the images. Images can still be batch imported.
    2. Arrange them however you want, snap them together, whatever.
    3. Lasso them all and export.

    That’s… literally it. You don’t have to crop, you don’t have to trim, or layer, or anything. You can specify the dimensions of the output file in the export window before you hit save if you want it to be different than the original. Your arrangement doesn’t even have to be rectangular and it will still work.

  • No, GIMP does suck.

    It has the same problem as most FOSS packages that are too wide in breadth and have multiple contributors with their own hobby horses pulling in all different directions, and to this day does not actually provide a feature-complete whole, nor an interface that actually makes sense. And it’s not a matter of the workflow just being different – it categorically fails to replicate functionality that is core to its commercial competitors. Numerous other “big” productivity packages have the same problem including FreeCAD (boy does it ever), LibreOffice, etc. I say this as a staunch supporter of FreeCAD, by the way. It’s the only CAD software I use even though it’s a pain in my ass.

    The shining exception to this I see is Inkscape, but it is still significantly less powerful than even early versions of CorelDraw.

    For 2D graphics work these days, I hold my nose and just use Corel. I use it for work. Like, actual commercial work. That I get paid for. It is at least a lesser evil than doing business with Adobe.

    And if you want to stick it to the man, it is easily pirated.

  • You should read up on the Amico and in particular watch Pat The NES Punk’s various videos on it. The entire debacle is hilarious.

    The Amico is/was basically an investor scam. Yes, it did eventually turn into an actual product (which is crap) but it was never intended to be a serious contender to anything. The intent was for Tommy Tallarico to get his face published everywhere and pocket/embezzle a significant amount of investor and Indiegogo money.

    The system itself is basically an out-of-date smartphone chipset running a cut down version of Android. Most of its games, as you would expect, are basically mobile trash. Other than emulated Intellivision titles, anyway. And mobile trash you have to pay up front for a console with bullshit controls to even play it on.

  • I agree on the N64, and the problem with it is that everyone is nostalgic for “the system,” but in reality they’re only nostalgic for Mario 64, Goldeneye, Conker, Mario Kart, Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie, Smash Bros., and Perfect Dark. It’s not that the N64 has a top ten, it’s that it basically only had ten good games total. And bangers though they may have been, everything else on it was crap.

    I’m sure two or three people will pop out of the woodwork now to argue with me and insist that no, back in the day they really did love WCW Mayhem or 1080 Snowboarding or the butchered piece of shit version of THPS or Chef’s Luv Shack or whatever the fuck, but that’s the thing: It’s always back in the day, when you were a kid and only owned four cartridges, and you didn’t know any better because that’s all you had. Nobody goes back to play any of the remaining 378 games now.