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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • I think the comment is specifically talking about storing future times, and contemplating future changes to the local time zone offsets.

    If I say that something is going to happen at noon local time on July 1, 2030 in New York, we know that is, under current rules, going to happen at 16:00 UTC. But what if the US changes its daylight savings rules between now and 2030? The canonical time for that event is noon local time, and the offset between local time and UTC can only certainly be determined with past events, so future events defined by local will necessarily have some uncertainty when it comes to UTC.

  • The typical default configuration has the ISP providing DNS services (and even if you use an external DNS provider, the default configuration there is that the DNS traffic itself isn’t encrypted from the ISP’s ability to analyze).

    So even if you visit a site that is hosted on some big service, where the IP address might not reveal what you’re looking at (like visiting a site hosted or cached by Cloudflare or AWS), the DNS lookup might at least reveal the domain you’re visiting.

    Still, the domain itself doesn’t reveal the URL that follows the domain.

    So if you do a Google search for “weird sexual fetishes,” that might cause you to visit the URL:


    Your ISP can see that you visited the www.google.com domain, but can’t see what search you actually performed.

    There are different tricks and tips for keeping certain things private from certain observers, so splitting up the actual ISP from the DNS resolver from the website itself might be helpful and scattering pieces of information, but some of those pieces of information will inevitably have to be shared with someone.