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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s fairly obvious I feel.

    You’re saying rather than use a system tool that does the exact thing that you want you should bodge together a cron job that accomplishes your goal but doesn’t actually do what you want.

    Like say you want to stop the docker service for some reason? systemctl stop docker will do that. Then your cron job will restart it. That’s not the desired outcome. You want the service running IF the service SHOULD be running. Which is a different thing than “always running”. And its’ exactly what you get for free with systemd without any silly custom BS.

  • The biggest benefits of Wayland over Xorg are to the developers maintaining it, not to the end user.

    The Xorg project has become difficult to modify for new features and fixes and so they’ve decided to rewrite it.

    As a result users will eventually see some benefits as Wayland implements features that were difficult to do in Xorg over time. But in the meantime it’s causing everything to be rewritten to support the new standard. And it’s a pain in the ass.

    If your application works as you want on Xwayland there’s no reason to try to get it to work on Wayland native. Xwayland won’t be going away anytime soon. Eventually those applications will just switch over to Wayland and you shouldn’t need to think about it.