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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • You haven’t received a detailed breakdown of war and casualties via mail? Weird…

    Believe it or not, proof doesn’t need to be mailed to me, but it does need to be provided. It hasn’t been. Who do you think it needs to be provided to, and when should that happen? It hasn’t and won’t go to the ICJ. Similarly, the world hasn’t recieved one via the same public channels Israel used to confirm they killed these civilians. I guess there’s still Palestinian children that still draw breath, so I’m sure they’re prioritising addressing that.

    What the fuck are you on about…

    Israel would be the school shooter claiming self-defence in this analogy. You don’t get to kill a bunch of people, make excuses, and not prove them. Neither does Israel.

    You are literally insane. Nobody has to prove anything to you, you absolutely delusional person. You are a fucking civilian half a world away. I don’t know how are you not getting this.

    Again, supplying the evidence for the high-profile killing of multiple civilians via the same channels they used to confirm it was them would be sensible. The irony of someone busy arguing against the rule of law calling me insane isn’t lost on me.

    Karen “just knowing things” again

    Yeah, but mostly just asking for evidence to justify the killing of multiple civilians rather than defending those killings.

    Just because don’t know the reason, doesn’t mean that IDF didn’t have one,

    Sure they shot up that school and admitted to it, but they probably had a good reason for it. Uh huh - I’m insane.

    and no, they don’t have to mail you the reason while the there’s an ongoing war.

    You understand that this makes you look dumber than most of the things you’re saying right? Also, I know genocide is a big word and war isn’t, but this isn’t a war.

    they should get detailed war reports delivered to them, to justify every war casualty

    You’re doing the stupid again.

    1. You don’t understand how war works

    Not a war - a genocide.

    1. You still don’t know what evidence is

    If you’re to be believed it can’t exist, and isn’t needed in any case - Israel are probably fine, and can be trusted, right?

    1. You still think the bad guys should look like the bad guys from Holywood movies, otherwise they’re good guys

    I think you need a reason to kill a bunch of people - there isn’t one here.

    1. You still think you can watch a video and know things from “intuition”.

    We know a regime that’s currently committing a genocide and a laundry list of warcrimes killed 4 people with no apparent reason to do so. On the one hand, I’m saying we’d need to see evidence justifying these killings to know they’re not a warcrime. On the other, you’re saying nothing is evidence, and because Israel doesn’t need to provide the fictional evidence to me personally, it’s all fine.

    All four show me that this is a completely meaningless conversation and a general waste of my time.

    Noone can waste your time but you.

    Now, tell me how I’m a genocide denier, even though I agreed that there’s genocide in Gaza,

    You’re defending the warcrimes that make up that genocide.

    and tell me how I’m defending IDF, even though I think IDF and Israeli government are terrorists.

    You’re defending the warcrimes the IDF is committing.

    Continue living in your cocoon of safety and self-righteousness sucking up all the propaganda and every conspiracy theory, thinking that your reactions on facebook/twitter videos help the people of Gaza.

    Is that the cocoon where we observe a bunch of warcrimes committed in commission if a genocide and assume it’s probably fine? If a bridge isn’t too your taste, how about some lunar real estate?

    Whe could continue this circle of me trying to explain things to a rock, but I’d rather use my time elsewhere.

    Me challenging you on your total desregard for the rule of law, warcrimes, or the ongoing commission of a genocide isn’t a me problem.

    I’ll be sorry to see you go - it was quaint hearing about this genocide that’s happening without Israel indiscriminately targeting civilians and your care for the rule of law as you defend the killing of those civilians while throwing around weak insults.

  • Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. It’s not clear from the video.

    We’d need the IDF to justify the killings. They haven’t won’t and can’t.

    Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. It’s not clear from the video.

    You think you can go shoot up a school, then say it was in self-defence without evidence and get away with it? How’s the principle different here?

    We don’t. No evidence they are civilians. No evidence they are combatants. If you have proof other than “they look civilian”, give us proof.

    The burden isn’t on those killed to prove their innocence - the killers need to do that. Rule of law - really simple stuff you seem incapable of grasping but get all pissy when I point that out.

    It is not. No proof this is Gaza. No proof it’s an IDF drone strike. No proof that it happened last week, last month, last year or last decade. If you have proof “IDK it looks like it”, give us proof. And not just one of these things, but ALL.

    …except the IDF admitting it was them. I know they have zero credibility, but when they admit to this kind of thing, I think it’s reasonable to believe them.

    Nobody said IDF don’t have proof. They just don’t have to share it with the public, no matter how hard you want it. I’m not defending them, I’m trying to show you that your logic is flawed, and you can easily be swayed by misinformation and propaganda.

    Absent anything at all suggesting they were combatants in the context of a genocide Israel is committing? I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

    What I believe is my deduction from actual, confirmed, reputable sources. Not a random twitter video. My opinion that is a genocide is just that - opinion. And unlike you, I don’t claim I have proof. Because none of us have.

    Again, the IDF admitted to the killings. You saw video of a bunch of people being killed for no discernible reason, and you’re defending that.

    And the rest? You can stop reaching - it’s not doing you any favours.

  • I expect Israel to have a better justification for killing a group of people than “they looked Palestinian.” - that’s genocidal. This is a high-profile example largely because it appears so unambiguous. Israel are going to need to present the evidence that this was justified, or it gets thrown on the pile of killings amounting to that genocide.

    We have video footage of a bunch of civilians being targeted in a drone strike - until they’re shown to be enemy combatants (not happening) this is evidence of a warcrime. Your logic could be used to justify nuking Tel Aviv - we can’t know the entire population aren’t enemy combatants, and it’s not for us to prove or ask for proof, so stop worrying about it, Karen.

    If you believe the IDF need to prove the killing was justified, why are you defending them not doing so, and if you believe this is a genocide, why do you deny that the killings that make up that genocide are unjustified (remembering that they literally haven’t been justified)?

    I’m pretty happy to change my tune on this instance if credible evidence is presented, but I’m also comfortable saying that I know that won’t happen at this point.

    I don’t think calling me a Karen for opposing warcrimes and genocide is having the desired effect, but you do you, champ.

  • There we go. The fact that there’s evidence of the murder of a group of apparent civilians and no evidence they were combatants or expectation of it is the problem. You don’t get to go killing whoever you please, shrug your shoulders and say “eh - I dunno - Hamas I guess - who cares”. This applies doubly in the context of the ongoing genocide - Israel have made it crystal clear they can’t be trusted.

    To look at a genocidal regime killing a bunch of people that gave no indication they’re combatants, shrugging your shoulders and saying there’s no evidence they’re not guilty doesn’t cut it. It excuses the commission of the genocide (which is just thousands of instances of this kind of thing with an imposed famine and displacement), and represents a total disregard for the rule of law.

  • The video shows 4 people in civilian clothes casually wandering along chatting while unarmed.

    Putting aside the thousands upon thousands literal children Israel has slaughtered in the past few months while spewing genocidal rhetoric (because Hamas?), what evidence do you have that this isn’t a warcrime and that they’re combatants? The video contains absolutely nothing suggesting anything of the sort, and no evidence has been presented.

    When people say they want to commit a genocide, then kill tens of thousands of civilians, I tend to believe them - why are you so incredulous?