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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I think you’re missing my point, I’m not defending what we have done over there, I’m explaining why the right has gained more traction. It’s got nothing to do with the other crap they’re trying to explain away as the cause. It’s literally because of immigration, the amount of new violence that has shown up in the last 2 decades because of how they’re letting in these extremist.

    Rising fascism in Europe is not a defense against the religious extremists. It is due to desire for continuity of personal comfort and freedom in the face of reckoning day, by ensuring those who they fucked over can’t come near and try to share in their abundance of resources.

    It absolutely is, and the extremist who are showing up and marching and wanting to bring the issues and rule of law into democratic countries. The people see this, don’t like it and vote for the group that says they put a stop to it.

    The truth sometimes hurts, but that’s what’s happening here.