• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Oh I see, you just make up shit to suit you… Shannon is a public airport not a military base.

    Yes yes neoliberal this and that very good.

    We are definitely not plugging our ears, it is a major issue over here. But whatever man, you are too hard up for misery and complaining to be bothered with. Walls of text do not make you correct.

  • Do you just hear what you want? We are not a dictatorship. We didnt let anyone use our bases for the war in Iraq. We didnt invade anyone or steal any land. In less than 100 years we revolutionised our economy and lifted the people out of poverty. We are not a utopia, you will claim not everyone is out of poverty but for the most part everyone is, and while more work is needed, there are continued efforts to improve and continue lifting people up.

  • Is it fuck a case study of what not to do, in 100 years we went from not recognised as a state to the highest labour productivity in the world.

    We absolutely did not allownfornour bases to be used by foreign military. We did however allow for refuelling by an ally. We also had caveats about what type of aircraft and cargo could land and refuel.

    Oh yes we have heard the tax haven criticism before, butthurt people complaining about how we incentivise foreign investment. As a result ofnpolicies like these we created duty free and duty free industrial zones, which was the initial reason for the headquarters in Ireland given their logistical benefits from setting up here.

    We also did not wholly adopt anything, we have a different type of government, we dont have a monarchy and our elections are not first past the post.

    I would like to see some stats on the manufacturing being exported because we actually have a lot of foreign companies set up manufacturing here and have done for a long time.

    Seems like you dont want us to be on the right side of this issue, for some unknown reason, so you threw out some nonsense.

  • I am well aware of this line of thinking and generally do support social safety nets and shit like it but I disagree that I am in the same class as those who refuse to meaningfully take part in society and I am only at a surface level in the same position due to my governments inability to discourage this behaviour and their insistence on providing too much.

    One of the families near me, two unemployed parents 8 kids are after being moved out of their free 4 bed house and into a larger one to accommodate their inability to family plan and as a consequence of their willful unemployment and inability to look after their kids.

    As for the child care, thatnis combined with the mortgage for the 3k figure but we also should not have to put our careers on hold because child care is prohibitively expensive for us while others are paid to mind their own kids.

  • Well I spent all of my money on a house and my neighbour got handed it for free. I cant afford to go on holiday every year while they are out every weekend and off on a trip at least once a year. Popped out a few kids and declared the partner left despite living there so they get a fat support cheque and extra for being abandoned.

    I have looked into these things and I am happy to not be included in that demographic because Inwould rather have a purpose and pride in what I do and how I get to where I am going but to say that those supports are difficult to get and very little to live on shows you are the uninformed one. Without expenses my neighbour has 600 euro a week, she saved thousands during the pandemic. Bought a nice new car for herself, while I am here esrning above average with a lesser lifestyle.

    I am not saying to not eat the rich, aim upwards but I am sick of supporting lazy cunts.