Uh, duh? So start replacing them at the base levels and change our foundation? I didn’t say to keep voting for them locally?
Do what work? What’s the plan?? Are you running for local government where you are?
ALL CAREER POLITICIANS ARE “GENOCIDERS” from what I have seen so far in my life on this planet. This is why normally I will not vote for a major 2 party candidate. I want to be able to vote again in the future, so I’m willing to do my best to try and make that happen.
What are you actually saying and doing? No where have i found a coherent cohesive plan for us citizens to unite and change this major issue. What’s our truly viable recourse here?
Please explain like I am 5.
I feel for you! The amount of times I’ve torn my living space apart to find something in an unusual but simple place (Or just never see it again). “It’ll be safe here”, “I’ll never miss it if i put it right here”… Some say our brains have all the information that they haver ever processed. Why does it fight us so hard when we try to retrieve something we know damn well it has the answers to?