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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023

  • So because they are corrupt they have to surrender to Russia and the West isn’t allowed to help them defend themselves? That’s like saying that a person deserves to get shot by the police just because he has a criminal record.

    Also the EU already approved Ukraine’s candidate status for accession and accession negotiations officially opened this year. So if Ukraine does things right they will be a member of the EU in ten years give or take. Guess what article 42.7 in the Treaty of Lisbon is. It’s a mutual defensive clause. So end of the day they wil be protected by the bloc whether they are a NATO member or not.

  • The secret service is probably not the elite agency people think it is. I bet once you get that job to protect a FPOTUS complacency creeps in. Since there hasn’t been an attack on former presidents on US soils since a long while before this incident. And it’s the other agencies that do most of the intel work. Also weren’t agents caught fucking prostitutes and beating up locals while being completely wasted when they were escorting the POTUS on a state visit a couple of years ago. Very professional wow.

  • You are not entitled to cheap lodging. While locals need homes to live. Cities can only absorb so much tourism before it becomes unlivable and unaffordable for people to live in. Just look at Venice. It’s not only that homes become unaffordable, amenities that serve the locals start to disappear since everything starts to cater tourists.

    I used to live in Amsterdam and in a some streets there are just way too many souvenir, stroopwafel and Nutella shops while local grocers are pushed out because of rising rent.

  • Apple should have made a spiritual successor to the Man from UNCLE instead of Argyle. They could have even used the same cast, so Henry Cavill, Jon Cena, Sam Rockwell and Bryce Dallas Howard as the spy team. And Bryan Cranston as the bad guy and Sam Jackson as a cameo. It would have been a better movie than Argyle simply for the fact that it would have been a straight forward spy film instead of a “clever” story with a twist. Argyle had potential but couldn’t deliver after the first act since they wrote themselves into a corner with the dumb amnesia plot device.