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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 23rd, 2024


  • Arguments against the Orange Revolution being a coup:

    The protests were sparked by widespread allegations of election fraud and corruption, which were supported by international observers and the Ukrainian opposition.

    The protests were largely peaceful, with only a few instances of violence and property damage.

    The Supreme Court of Ukraine annulled the election results, citing irregularities and fraud, and ordered a revote.

    The new president, Viktor Yushchenko, was elected through a fair and transparent process, with international observers monitoring the election.

    While there are valid arguments on both sides, the majority of evidence suggests that the Orange Revolution was a popular uprising rather than a coup. The protests were sparked by widespread discontent with the election results and the government’s handling of the election, and were largely driven by Ukrainian citizens rather than foreign powers. The Supreme Court’s decision to annul the election results was based on allegations of fraud and irregularities, and the subsequent election was monitored by international observers. Ultimately, the Orange Revolution was a significant event in Ukrainian history that led to the country’s transition towards democracy and closer ties with the West.

    TL;DR Russia is poor af and everyone but American middle class settler tankies who live comfortably in the US want blue jeans and VW Jettas and not to suffer under the gangster oligopoly of Russia’s petro state.

    Tankies keep pretending that this isn’t true because the US intelligence agencies opportunistically tipped the the unrest in Ukraine in their favor, just like Putin has done in ever country that is in his sphere.

    Fun fact: Putin, the man that tankies slavishly uphold as a stalwart of US imperialism was himself installed into power by the CIA to keep Soviet candidates from taking back power through democratic election held after the first term of Boris Yeltsin was about to be ended, which he was almost assuredly going to lose.

    Tankies continue to be played like a Switch by western intelligence and it will ultimately lead to Russia’s demise. All their accusations of everyone being western stooges is PURE F***ING PROJECTION

  • No you threw a link at me and expecting me to strain out whatever point you were trying to make. And you still won’t do the simple act of concisely presenting whatever you think proves you right. Instead you caterwaul for two paragraphs worth of text.

    It’s probably because you’re trying to walk me to your point of view and the article really doesn’t contain the definitive proof you think it does.

    All you ML propaganda tactics are predicated on deception which you justify by saying it’s for the revolution.

    Your praxis does not work in the information age where anyone can fact check your biased premise.

    And yes I’m well aware that western governments foment decent artificially. That doesn’t prove anything about the euromadien protests. We all know if there were some ML uprising you would not accept the idea that it was BS because western govs do velvet revolutions. Before you say that doesn’t happen Lenin him fucking self was smuggled out of Europe by Anglo bourgeoisie to overthrow the Czar.