• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • If you go to Reddit, you will inevitably very quickly come by posts that seem to be from regular users, but are actually fill-a ads.

    Funny thing happened and I just happened to be eating their food when I filmed it. We did a thing and it failed at other joints but succeeded at their place. My dog can do a cool thing with their box, etc etc.

    It feels like they have an army of as people dedicated to creating this content.

    It started soon after they got a lot of bad press for finding anti-LGBTQ organizations. Instead of changing their ways, they decided to change their image through social media posts and largely succeeded. Most people associate their brand with good times now, even though they don’t know why.

    Much like whenever US police murders someone, Web gets flooded with memes and videos of cops doing fun things and being generally great fun.

  • Came here to say just that. Used to love fast food, sodas and candy in large amounts too. Then went to a conference and watched a video of myself giving a talk there afterwards. I hated looking like that.

    Thus begun my journey of weight loss. 45kg later I can genuinely say that while some part of my brain still asks for garbage food, I genuinely enjoy eating healthy. My entire taste palette changed, too - and I can now taste flavors that were unknown to me due to overdependence on salt and sugar.

    Daily walk/jog is a highlight of the day, and whenever I feel like eating garbage foods again, I just have to think about how it makes me feel not just after - just an hour, or two or a day later.