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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • There isn’t any animal that is even remotely comparable in intelligence to what we see Pokemon capable of, so it’s not really fair to make that comparison.

    Dolphins and Chimpanzees are widely considered the next most intelligent species after us, but they’re still far below us. You can teach a Chimp basic sign language, but you still can’t have a proper conversation with them, let alone come up with complex plans with them.

    By comparison, Meowth is not only capable of all that, he’s better at it than J&J; iirc, most of their plans that almost succeeded were his ideas. Plus he’s extremely capable at subterfuge, considering he once successfully convinced Ash & Co. that he was done with Team Rocket and gained their trust, only for it to be yet another scheme. Not to mention his ability to operate highly complex machinery.

    And mind you, there’s zero indication that Team Rocket’s Meowth is any more intelligent than any other Meowth, he’s just vastly more ambitious. They very clearly show that his more human like tendencies are a conscious choice, not something inherent to him. Other Meowths could learn English, they just choose not to(and at least one thinks TR Meowth is weird for doing so).

  • I don’t think you can answer this question for Pokemon in general, I think it would be species specific.

    Meowth is clearly of human intelligence, for example. Hell, he’s smarter than Jessie & James.

    Then you have the extreme end, where Alakazam has an IQ of 5000. We’re basically ants to them.

    Not to mention pretty much every psychic pokemon in the anime can have proper conversations with humans using telepathy.

  • Lmao “no insults here” immediately followed by more petty insults, okay bud. Love how you were all gung-ho about how primo your shit is and has “3g of delta 9” until I pull out the receipts and suddenly it’s all “well it’s good enough for me”, and “who cares about testing their drugs”(people who aren’t fucking stupid?), and “well you’re just a junkie”(really, no insults here? Ok lmao). Newsflash my guy, there’s nothing special about the carts I buy, nor is my tolerance particularly high. That’s just how strong actual concentrates are supposed to be, so you only need a hit or two at a time.

    Your stuff is just literally weaker than ditch weed. Congrats if that gets you high, but it doesn’t change the fact you were spreading mad misinformation before and are salty I called you out about it.

  • the carts I showed have that many mg of delta 9 suspended in the liquid.

    No, they literally do not. Literally all of them have lab results on their websites. The first one had about 9mg/g, the second one about 1.4mg/g, and the last had none at all. Also, even counting delta 8 thc they were all still only in the 70-80% range. Regardless of whether the first two are legal or not(I have a feeling they’re not and enforcement is just weak), even the stronger one is only a 10th of what I get for the same price. And I live in one of the most expensive legal states by far. Just get normal weed from a dealer at that point if you’re in an illegal state, it’ll be stronger.

  • Sooo your source is a sketchy website with a quote claiming they can be “functionally identical”(whatever that even actually means), but without any actual lab testing of the thc concentrations to back that up. Oh, and the article specifically mentions how these are at best questionably legal to sell, and the fda has actively warned against them.

    Also, edibles are a completely different story than concentrates. You can pack a bunch of delta 9 in and still be compliant because the actual food aspect of the edible counts towards the total concentration. 15mg of delta 9 thc in a 5g piece of chocolate is no big deal. For a single “farm bill compliant” vape cart to have the same amount(by weight) of delta 9 thc in it as my 1g dispensary cart, though, it would have to be oh… about 10 ounces(edited to correct, originally said pounds) of other junk.

    Good stuff.

  • 80-90 percent of what?

    …80-90 percent of Delta 9 thc. Literally what are you confused about? The size of the cart has nothing to do with how potent the actual thc concentration is.

    I buy 1g carts, which means there is .8-.9g of delta 9 thc in them. The 3g carts you showed in another comment legally cannot be more than 0.3% delta 9 thc, which means at MOST they contain .009g of delta 9 thc, 100 times less than what I can get in a single gram from a actual dispensary cart. That’s about how much I can get in a couple hits, let alone the whole cart 🤣.

  • There is some truth to it, but there’s also just the fact that some people’s eyes are bad enough that they need glasses to fully function in modern society, but not so bad that they couldn’t survive in the wild without them.

    Me for example. I need glasses to drive, I can’t read street signs otherwise, and I need them at work, but I otherwise usually don’t wear them. The only thing better eyesight would meaningfully help me with in the wild is navigation and spotting hidden animals quicker, and even then it’d really only help with snakes. Any other ambush predator I’d be likely to encounter in my region is big enough that spotting it a few seconds sooner wouldn’t really help.