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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • And yet here we have Russia, the successor nation showing that NATO needs to be kept around so they don’t invade another neighbor. Remember, Crimea wasn’t the first time this century they’ve done that.

    To your example, my neighbor would be within their rights to do that if I have a history of kicking down doors. But I guess violence only matters from one direction, nevermind that so many former client states actively sought protection from this shit happening, especially when Russia can’t be taken at their word to leave neighbors alone.

  • And you’re associated with the mods in the same way that you’re associated with the government representatives of your nation. And I can tell you from experience that even though I don’t know the president or any of the representatives, I still get shit from people in other countries for the shit they do.

    Yeah, it sucks that you’re getting guilty by association, but that’s just a base human trait and naivety about how humans behave won’t change the fact that this shit is going to be part of any human-based micro-culture. The nice part about online communities, though, is it doesn’t cost you your life savings to up and move to a more palatable location.

  • I feel conflicted because the whole point of this while thing was that we could be on any instance we liked and it shouldn’t impact our “social standing”.

    I don’t think that was ever the point of federation, especially with defederation as an option, specifically to deal with instances that don’t follow generally accepted morays.

    It sucks that you’re going to have to abandon the instance you initially picked, but it happens to the best of us. I picked kbin initially, and abandoned that after a while due to the increasing toxicity, and the increasingly large lack of features or development by the one person doing it.

  • I hate how when I see these sorts of headlines, I immediately think “oh, did they support Palestine?” whereas 5-10 years ago I’d assume they were a neo-nazi or someone in Trump’s orbit like Stephen Miller. Articles like this only further reinforce that thinking:

    The suspension came after conservative news outlet, The Washington Free Beacon, leaked photographs of the three deans’ text exchanges which included one dean using two vomit emojis in response to a reference to an article published in the Columbia student newspaper by Yonah Hain, the campus rabbi, about students’ response to 7 October.

    In the article, Hain wrote "Debates about Zionism, one state or two states…are all welcome conversations on campus”, but he said statements of support for the “Palestinian Resistance” equated to the “normalization of Hamas…[and] a point-of-no-return moment at Columbia”.

    Yeah, that shit deserves at least two vomit emojis. Its OK to debate whether or not Palestinians deserve to live on the land that Israelis are throwing them off of, but supporting resistance against colonial oppression is frowned upon.

    The fact that this is the only paragraph of merit and its buried 3 paragraphs below that bullshit in the article should tell you all you need to know:

    In a separate text, Patashnick texted that one speaker was “taking full advantage of this moment”, adding “Huge fundraising potential”. In another exchange, the deans appeared to suggest that the parent of a Jewish student had access to Columbia administration because of her wealth.

    One person calling out right wing grifting, and another insinuation that the deans were making old ‘jewish banker’-esque comments.That’s the best the article has.

    I’m continually amazed at the bullshit the right gets away with.

  • Passerby6497@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThe Sales Will Continue
    16 days ago

    It has nothing to do with modern hardware since you’re still limited by the read speed of your disks. Given we’re talking about spinning rust, that will take tens of minutes to complete a couple hundred gig, and even more so if you’re transferring tons of small files.

    I could easily see it taking over an hour for a 200+gb install. Even going at the theoretical max, you’re looking at 20min just in data. Tacking on added latency from opening and closing many small files and any kind of fragmentation/disk location, that’s going to add significant time to the transfer.