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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023


  • Those are all great points. I’m concerned about how this specific sources (I24) stats hold up against my go-to news sources, AP, DW and Reuters on mediabiasfactcheck.com (which might have it’s own biases, but that’s a whole discussion for another day). I think the best tool we have to combat misinformation is time. War moves quickly, and so does reporting, but that leads to sloppiness. There are also bad faith actors pushing stories to get one side riled up. The longer we wait to jump to conclusions, the better information we have at our disposal. I am thinking about a specific example today about the girl whose body was reported to be paraded around naked; earlier today a story just got posted on here that she’s alive according to her mother. We will only know for sure when a neutral and reputable party verifies this in the near future.

    I really want this whole Lemmy thing to work out in the long run and I want to avoid the mistakes made on Reddit that led to witch hunts and misinformation being spread. If everyone could take one thing away from this, it’s to double check multiple sources, be skeptical about who has an agenda to push, and wait for all the information to come out.