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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • They’re not making a technical argument but a practical one.

    Who ever owns the chain is the ACTUAL owner of the NFTs. Who ever owns the physical hardware is the ACTUAL controller of the chain.

    The problem with NFTs is … they only solve theoretical problems, not problems in the real world, where it ALWAYS takes agreement and cooperation for anything to ACTUALLY function and serve a purpose.

    Blockchains have already proven to be no more secure than a properly designed normal database, and are ALWAYS going to take more electricity, so…they continue to be nothing but a toy and a canary for the gullible tech bro.

  • MotoAsh@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.ml___
    24 days ago

    You are the only one wasting time by giving dumbass avoidance advice instead of telling us what you know.

    … What insider information do you have and why do you want to keep us ignorant???

  • MotoAsh@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlGet rich quick
    25 days ago

    Literally not what people are talking about. It’s the “AI” part of the task that doesn’t leave the device (unless it prompts to ask chat gpt). Not that it can magically gleam live info without making any request to the web…

    Jeeze, fucking… get your shit straight, making me defend Apple… Fucking do better.

  • MotoAsh@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt must be a test
    1 month ago

    Exactly, and religion says we have free will, which supposedly removes us by choice from the control of “God”. How can you fail to see how that’s pretty damn close to a software engineer going, “fuck it, let’s see what these little shits can actually do.”? You could look at the variables going in to every separate character and know what they’d do 100% of the time. You’d almost certainly have an idea what the whole thing would lead to.

    … and here’s the kicker: you’re not God! Any religious person readily dismisses problems with technically disproving allegory with what ultimately comes down to, “God is smarter than you”. Since allegory is the only way to compare things that don’t actually exist, you have to observe how each separate piece has a nugget of truth in it, and believers latch on to it, even if it’s the mere appearance of truth.

    “God works in mysterious ways” is very, very much an actual thought-terminating cliche for the religious. You and me see how the allegory doesn’t hold up. They choose not to or sometimes literally cannot suss through all of the fluff.

  • MotoAsh@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt must be a test
    1 month ago

    Yes that’s part of the point. Just like any good lie, one that works well has to have a grain of truth. Even grains of truth that do not actually defend a point can be used to construct very convincing lies, like religion.

    I am pointing at some of those tiny, itty bitty and not justifying in any way grains of truth that religion relies on. It does not make sense on the whole, but individual pieces that people readily latch on to have some truth, or semblance of truth.

    An all-knowing being allowing the world to continue on its own despite knowing what will happen does NOT disprove religion on its own. At all. It also does not prove religion in any way. The entire premise is flawed, but that’s the point: people latch on to the grains of truth, not the whole premise. At least until after they’ve drank the koolaid.

  • MotoAsh@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt must be a test
    1 month ago

    I don’t use autocorrect because it’s worse than normal typos. The fact you keep trying to bring it back to some personal failing of mine instead of trying to understand the point is fucking pathetic. Do better. “Ohh, you’re being mean, that means you didn’t make a point!” … and you have the gall to call me the child. Fucking. Pathetic. Adults can take an insult without falling apart.

  • Yes, and I am pointing out how youpre not debating anything, because God’s not real, dumbass. There are dozens of reasons God as described in the bible doesn’t ACTUALLY make sense.

    That’s the main point I was working from, yet your dumb ass comes in here thinking, “but that still doesn’t make sense tho” is making ANY point.

    I STARTED by saying God doesn’t mzke sense but the PIECES can in SPECIFIC ways.

    You pointing out that God is nonsensical still is literally a non-point.