Just some Internet guy

He/him/them 🏳️‍🌈

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • Flatseal: well that’s normal, it can’t control Flatpak’s access controls if it is itself sandboxed. Even if it was sandboxes, it could just grant itself everything.

    For Xournal: it’s probably because it doesn’t support portals or whatever, so it can’t use the open file dialog to get permissions. So it needs to be able to get to your files somehow to open them.

    In both cases, it just means its permissions model is more like regular applications you’d get from your package manager. If you install Xournal with apt/dnf/pacman it also won’t be sandboxed.

    The point of sandboxing is you can run applications you don’t trust too much, or significantly reduce the blast radius if say, your browser gets breached: then it has another barrier to overcome to reach anything other than the browser’s own data. The lack of sandboxing doesn’t inherently imply the app is evil or will hack you. It just means it doesn’t have the extra protection around it. So like, probably don’t open sketchy PDFs in it, but I wouldn’t stop using the app solely because it lacks sandboxing.

  • There shouldn’t be any issues with that. Most distros handle “install side by side” situations out of the box.

    Data partition probably doesn’t matter. Nobara might use snapshots for updates so you can rollback, not sure, but it also shouldn’t horribly break things for /home.

    The thing btrfs does well is root and home can be the same partition, but different subvolumes. Technically you can even have multiple distros on a single btrfs partition by means of subvolumes, so there’s no unusable wasted space.

    I would do btrfs, Mint won’t care about the filesystem having more features than it needs, and there’s so many advantages to btrfs.

    E: I might leave homes separated and explicitly share some folders you want to keep in sync. Mint’s configurations could impact Nobara’s configurations and vice-versa. Especially if versions of things differ, maybe Nobara will upgrade some configs and make them unusable with older packages from Mint. You can just symlink your downloads and documents and whatever to a common shared data partition or subvolume dedicated to that use case.

  • Depends on how good the ISP router is. I’ve had one that had most of the advanced settings available, so I didn’t feel the need to change. For a while I had offloaded DHCP and DNS and VPN to a Raspberry Pi. It’s very much possible to make do with the ISP router. That ISP would let you passthrough the public IP to a box on your network which lets you do a lot of stuff without going into bridge mode, so I could make my server the target while still letting the router do the routing so if my server was down it didn’t take the whole network with it.

    Then I got a bad one where it won’t even let you set up port forwards unless the device is registered over DHCP so my static stuff and VMs didn’t work. Got my EdgeRouter X back online to get my stuff done.

    I do use VLANs and stuff now so it makes sense for me to use my own router. With everything getting breached these days, I have a VLAN just for my computers, another one for smart but trusted-ish devices (the TV’s gotta reach the NAS), one for IoT that’s completely shielded off.

    What you’re missing out on depends a lot on what features you don’t have you could make use of. If you have like 3 devices using the network like I did when I lived alone, yeah you’re probably not going to miss out on the VLANs. But maybe you want to do ad blocking network-wide. Maybe you’d want to better prioritize interactive traffic like VoIP and video calls or games. Maybe you want a reverse proxy or VPN that works even if your home server is down. Maybe you want your kids to not hog all the bandwidth. There’s a lot of things a router can do.

    So if the ISP router does everything you want and you’re happy with its performance, it’s fine. Just keep it in mind, when you start being like “I wish it had X and Y features” maybe consider an upgrade then.

    If you have the option of not getting a router from your ISP, I would definitely recommend bringing your own. If they provide it regardless and you’d be replacing it through unofficial means, eh, if it works well…

  • It’ll depend a lot on your experience. I can just install Arch without reading the wiki at all in about 5 minutes for something fairly vanilla. If you’re comfortable with Linux then following the wiki won’t be too hard, took me maybe 2-3 hours on my first install before I had my DE and everything all set up (12 years ago). If you’ve never used Linux before and take the deep dive then it could take hours and days depending on how fast you can absorb all that information.

    “Easy” is very subjective, there’s stuff that’s so dumbed down for the sake of “easy” that it makes my life harder when I need to do more complex stuff. I know people for whom linear algebra in 11 dimensions is easy for them to do and solve. Easy is relative to your own personal experience level and what you’re trying to accomplish.

    Install it in a VM as a test run, you’ll see by yourself.

  • That’s the smart way to do math. I mean not with such small numbers but you’d do the same thing adding up large numbers, you break down the numbers and rearrange them in a way that’s easier to compute.

    Algebra probably feels intuitive to you.

    They’re also trying to teach that in math classes (it gets called “new” math) but the boomers are freaking out because “why can’t they just do normal additions like we used to, this is so complicated”. And the answer to that is, 99% of the time you’ll be doing algebra because we literally all carry a calculator in our pockets and sometimes on our wrists at all times and we never need to just do a long division. And that kind of thinking really makes it easy to break down formulas because your brain thinks in terms of moving stuff around in an equation.

  • The problem with Fedora and especially the atomic versions is that when you Google “how to do X on Linux” you pretty much always get information for Ubuntu and Debian derivatives. The atomic versions have it mildly harder because now you also have to learn how immutable distros work, and you can’t just make install something from GitHub (not that it’s recommended to do so, but if you just want your WiFi to work and that’s all you could find, it’s your best option).

    It’s not as bad as it used to be thanks to Flatpak and stuff, but if you’re really a complete noob the best experience will be the one you can Google and get a working answer as easily as possible.

    Once you’re familiar and ready to upgrade then it makes sense to go to other distros like Fedora, Nobara, Bazzite, Kionite and whatnot.

    I don’t like Ubuntu, I feel like Mint is to Ubuntu what Manjaro is to Arch, Pop_OS is okay when it doesn’t uninstall your DE when installing Steam. But I still recommend those 3 to noobs because everyone knows how to get things working on those, and the guides are mostly interchangeable as well. Purely because it’s easy to search for help with those. I just tell them when you’re tired of the bugs and comfortable enough with Linux then go start distrohopping a bit to find your more permanent home.

  • Ask your admin to turn it off, or if you’re the admin, turn it off.

    They really went with the worst possible way to implement this in that it mangles the post to rewrite all images to the image proxy, so it’s not giving you a choice. So if you want the original link you have to reprocess it to strip the proxy. It’s like when they thought it was a good idea to store the data as HTML encoded, so not-web clients had to try to undo all of it and it’s lossy. It should be up to the clients to add the proxy as needed and if desired. Never mangle user data for storage, always reprocess it as needed and cache it if the processing is expensive.

    Now you edit a post and your links are rewritten to the proxy, and if you save it again, now you proxy to the proxy. Just like when they applied the HTML processing on save, if you edited a post and saved it again it would become double encoded.

    Personally I leave it off, and let Tesseract do it instead when it renders the images. It’s the right way to do it. If the user wants a fresh copy because it’s a dynamic image, they can do so on demand instead of being forced into it. And it actually works retroactively compared to the Lemmy server only doing it for new posts.

  • Lemmy wasn’t ready and still mostly not ready for a mass Reddit exodus. The Reddit API fiasco wasn’t anticipated by anybody and the large influx of users exposed a ton of bugs and federation issues.

    But it’s not a failure, yet. I’m sure Reddit had growing pains after the Digg exodus too. Some platforms take years to become popular. Reddit was small for quite a while before it became more mainstream.

    In a way to me Lemmy feels a bit like Reddit must have been a few years before I joined it 12 years ago.

    The problem is the expectation that Lemmy could replace Reddit overnight, and would immediately be a 1:1 replacement.

    Although personally I like it more here, and I get more interactions than Reddit. But I am a tech nerd, so.

  • Yeah mine’s doing that too, and my dmesg is flooded with USB disconnect and reconnects.

    The thing probably is overheating and shutting off. I believe I’ve seen videos of them catching fire too, not sure if it’s that one or another webcam that looks similar.

    Mine’s on a USB hub with buttons for each port so I just leave its port off until I need the camera and only turn it on when needed.