I am here for one reason and one reason alone: source anime is Watamote, episode 12 @18:36
Tomoko tries to approach a girl, but the wind confuses her and she runs away in embarrassment, even though the girl was really friendly and would have liked to talk to her.
In the meme, this scene is used to parallel the feeling of an external system blocking an operation that both participants would agree to.
A similar feeling could be memed with the “myth of consensual sex” format.
GOTO is the only thing that makes sense. It’s the “high-level” concepts like for-loops, functions and list comprehension that ruined programming.
series.append(series[k-1]+series[k-2]) for k in range(2,5)]
Yeah, the common EPS initiative (mandating USB 2.0 micro-B) was in effect since 2009. That’s right around the time smartphones were getting popular. Even my last slide phone had micro-USB. Maybe there were different models for different markets though, a product doesn’t need to follow EU law if it’s only sold in the US.
Yeah, it’s still invite-only afaik, but there’s no limit on the number of people you can invite, so I found someone in a public discord server who accepted all friend requests and sent out bulk invites. (For anyone else still looking.) I’ll send you a PM with my friend code and get you an invite.