Let go and let entropy. 🌌

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Haha. Are you telling me that we all don’t mutually love these attempts to personalize advertisements? There’s nothing better than knowing our personal information is being used for our benefit this way. Look at films like Blade Runner. I can’t wait to have bright fluorescent ads on every corner and open space.

    Without these things, how else am I going to know which medication I should be insisting my doctor prescribe me? And clearly this insurance company with the funny ad is totally going to be there on my side when something happens. That’s why they made the commercial, duh. So I would absolutely be certain I can trust them to quickly and fully process a claim.

    There’s nothing cozier than the snug embrace of consumerism, where we find a peculiar warmth, as if cocooned in a comforter spun from the very fibers of advertising’s allure.

  • Sorry to hear that. Truly. Growing up, bullies made life hell.

    I think one of the most important things I’ve been able to gift my kids is the ability to accept others as they are and not treat them like shit (which is ever so easy by default it seems).

    The most interesting thing about my eldest child’s troop is that nearly every youth is neurodivergent. I mean, in terms of autism for instance, members are on the opposite sides of the spectrum. It makes for challenging interactions at times, but I’m so proud to see how they work hard to be inclusive and navigate said challenges.

    They affectionately call themselves the “Weirdo Troop” and take a strange, wonderful pride in being so different especially in contrast to other more homogeneous troops.

    Recently a youth was visiting the troop to see if they might join. Their pronouns are they/them and the kids all got along really well. I was curious how this was going to go if they were interested in joining because of their mom occasionally misgendering them as she/her. The scouts use the gender recorded on the application rather than a birth certificate to determine how to place a child. They/them pushes things to a new realm.

    Even though both boys and girls are allowed in the scouts, there are rules in place to keep them separated during events like camping. A trans boy is clear. (Well, for those accepting because there remain troops with bigotted leaders.) But… how do you handle tent divisions and male/female leadership quotas when a person doesn’t identify as binary? Unfortunately, they didn’t decide to stay and were just testing the water. I kind of wish they did though because I got along well with their mom and it’s nice to click with parents when possible.