• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • EssentialNPC@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldOxygen
    5 months ago

    Aerobic respiration - the evolutionary moment where our ancestors traded immortality for complexity

    That was the phrasing used in a biology of death class I took many years ago. It lives rent free in my mind because ruminating on it so perfectly summarizes the “choices” made by natural selection and the way they echo throughout the history of life on Earth.

  • I agree 100% that it is initially confusing to the outsider. I will admit that I struggle with charitable feelings when this topic gets tossed around so often and it is easily researchable. Perhaps I am just tired of having the same discussion so many times.

    And yeah, the “pray to X” used a shorthand by many for “ask X to pray on my behalf” doesn’t help. It also gets further confounded by the huge number of both discrete and nuanced folk religions that exist simultaneously within members of the Catholic faith.

  • Catholics do not worship the saints. The dogma is that one may ask a saint to pray on their behalf. Do some Catholics not follow this format to the letter? Nope, some do not. Some/many will follow dogma mentally but use a short hand phrase like, “pray to X,” to mean requesting intercession.

    The statues, pendants, and other ornaments are not idols but just works of art or symbols of allegiance to a specific order. They hold extra significance for some, but that is effectively as far as they go.

    Offerings are to the church. Leaving an offering at the shrine of a saint is not an offering to that saint. It is an offering to the church, possibly to the portion of the church maintaining that specific shrine.

    I know this can feel nit-picky, but it is what happens when teachings build upon teachings for thousands of years. One can certainly argue that Catholics are wrong about any number of things in this world, but the notion that Catholicism runs on idolatry is at best an accidental misinterpretation and unfortunately is often an intentional misrepresentation by the leaders of fellow Christians.

  • The concept of changing the Bible gets a little weird because we are almost universally discussing a translation of the “original” text, with the original as we commonly think of it being a Greek translation that was commonly in use in the years preceding and including the life of the historical Jesus. It gets more complex than that, but it’s a good start.

    I am using the historical Jesus as a reference point because there are things that scholars, theistic and non-theistic alike, almost universally agree to as being historical as opposed to matters of faith.

    Jews, Catholics, and Protestants number the commandments differently though all contain effectively the same content and total up to 10. The Catholic numbering predates the Protestant numbering by centuries. I do not know the timeline of the Jewish numbering. One could easily assume it predates the Catholic numbering, but many Jewish customs date to later eras (often medieval Rabbinical Judaism). I have not looked up the Jewish tradition recently. Regardless, the Catholic numbering predates the Protestant numbering.

    Idols are an interesting thing, especially taken in the context of the belief of ancient Semitic peoples. The short version being that it takes much more than just the existence of a statue or an image to be an idol. There are cultural nuances from the time, but at the very least it requires worship of the image as on par with God. The comment you cite even includes the concept that worshipping these images is what makes them bad. The images in Catholic churches are not treated that way.

  • I belong to several chicken groups on other social platforms, and the number of people who view this as part of a giant conspiracy is wild. Nope, this cannot possibly be the consequences of the known spreading mechanisms of well documented disease in a factory farm setting. It is clearly an attempt to control the populace through a narrative of limited food supply. Or it is a justification to release the next phase of the scamdemic. Or it is an initial cull to drive up prices and make more money by - checks notes - refusing to sell eggs.

    I agree the corporations are out to take us over the coals and that large scale government has aspects that should not be trusted but still, people go from zero to pedophiles in pizza basements really fast.

  • Sincerely, I wish her the best. I know it is common to jump in with hate-the-rich feelings here, but I don’t know of anything she has done that makes her deserve cancer. Cancer sucks. The flight is awful, and once it is done you don’t get to know if you are actually better for a long time. For the rest of your life you get to carry physical and emotional scars from the fight.

    I did this fight. I would wish it away from anyone except the most evil. I hope her treatment and recovery are as smooth as possible.

  • EssentialNPC@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlScrub Mommy
    7 months ago

    I have a double basin sink with a strainer in each drain. I actually have two types of strainers depending on if I want to be able to plug the sink or not. Sometimes, things get by because it’s not like a strainer always stays 100% perfectly in place.

  • EssentialNPC@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlScrub Mommy
    7 months ago

    This is where I am going to get on my soap box (pun intended) and castigate the entire Scrub family.

    When snaking my shower drain, I get to go pretty dang far down to remove a clog. I was easily to the point point where my kitchen sink joined the drain line. Among the last things I pulled out were several Scrub Daddy chunks of good size. Can I be sure that these caused the clog? No. Am I sure these could screw up my septic pump or cause clogs even further down? Absolutely.

    The chunks these sponges shed can wreck havoc on your drain system. It’s not worth it for a tool that cleans no better than a dish rag and a stiff bristle brush. Those actually clean better, last longer, and are more environmentally friendly.

    I want to love Scrub Daddy. I just cannot afford the aggravation and potential cost they bring with them as they break down.