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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I created an SMS to Email gateway back in 2011 when data was still expensive on phones and I was trying to see if I could turn an iPod Touch into an iPhone. (I was a poor student at the time, was trying to find ways to save money 😅)

    Basically I had a 3G modem plugged into a Linux server that could receive the messages, a prepaid SIM card with a long life credit expiry, a domain name set up with unknown email address capturing, and some tools to handle the actual SMS part.

    At the time I published the scripts I used online and apparently they’re still online 😅 This is on Whirlpool which is an Australian telecommunications forum.


  • (I’ll attempt this based on my understanding of both)

    Pouring a cup of juice is something an adult needs to be involved with.

    sudo is when you ask for permission to pour your own cup of juice. You ask an adult, they give you the cup and the juice, and then you’re responsible for pouring it. If the adult isn’t paying attention they may leave the fridge open for you to go back for more juice or another beverage, but otherwise you’re limited to the amount of juice the adult has given you.

    run0 is when the adult just gets you a cup of juice. You tell them what you want, they go and pour the juice, and just give you the cup with the juice in it. You never enter the kitchen, so you don’t have access to the fridge, just your cup of juice.

  • With the spike in popularity that D&D has seen lately is that not the natural evolution of old school muds? Even if you can’t be together in person, video streaming over the internet has made it so the old text interface isn’t needed anymore, you can just interact in real time without being in the same place.

    MMORPGs aren’t really the same. You don’t have infinite capability to do whatever you want, you’re typically playing an RPG with friends, and most of the endgame is structured around keeping people engaged through progressively difficult content.

    As AI get better and is capable of actually writing some more engaging stories in real time I think you’ll see some convergence here. Like for example, a game where two kingdoms are at war (a common enough trope in RPGs), but you go full stealth, work your way into the enemy castle and kill their king. What happens after that? Have they got a contingency for that? Will they double their efforts against you? Does their army fall apart? Do they surrender?

    You couldn’t pull that scenario off in an RPG these days without it being scripted, but in the future as the tech gets better you’ve got the possibility of building living breathing worlds that can react to the actions of the player (or players).

  • I’d second afraid.org, have been using them for years and they’ve always been great. They also support dynamic DNS so if you’re on a dynamic IP address you can have the address be updated automatically when your IP address does.

    More relevant to the question, I’m pretty sure you can create NS records for a subdomain as well. I was experimenting once a few years back with a DNS tunnel service and was able to get the DNS side of it configured. Never did get the service itself working but it was more of a curiosity at the time so didn’t spend a massive amount of time on it.

  • Whilst it’s a topic that can get very personal (which is why invariably political discussions ultimately get heated very quickly, as this thread has shown), I think the point here essentially boils down to pointing out what not voting means.

    In a system where you have one side doing their best to amplify the weight votes for them have (whether that be through gerrymandering, the electoral college, etc), not voting just increases that amplification. So whilst on paper not voting demonstrates your lack of confidence in either side (and let’s be honest, without some real changes it’s a two horse race), in reality that decision is primarily (not exclusively, but primarily) benefiting one side of politics.

    If you’re making the decision to not vote with full knowledge of what that means, realistically I think that’s all someone can ask without getting into a discussion about trying to change your mind about that decision.

  • Or anyone who has to work with Americans. Especially when you also work with other countries as well. You can’t assume dd/mm/yyyy or mm/dd/yyyy blindly in either case. yyyy-mm-dd solves the issue entirely because both sides at least agree that yyyy-dd-mm isn’t a thing.