• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • It’s supposed to be a market economy, if someone doesn’t want to do the job for an advertised rate you’re supposed to increase the rate until it becomes palatable.

    I’m not against the idea, after all that’s what the left ask for a long time, but it will increase cost, which will be impacted on everyone cost of living. For a party that make most of its campaign on improving everyone standard of living, their ideas would have the opposite effect.

    Not import people to artificially keep wages and living conditions down for the working class.

    “Importing” people kinda sound like you consider them as goods, which isn’t an appropriate way to call them. They are humans beings, with the same fundamental right as any local. But that’s probably not the point you wanted to point, so let’s skip that part.

    Most of those people went through a perilous journey, which often result in their death. Some are motivated by the better living wages, sure (can we blame them, that’d be like having a country offering millions of € as a base wage for an average European, I doubt most would skip on that), but most are just refugee from war thorn countries that just wish to find a safe place to live. They are lured by criminal groups that rob them of all of their belongings, some of their dignity (sold as slaves in Libya, things like that), in hope to get a ticket to what seem as a promised land compared to their home countries. And if they are sent back, it would mean starting over from nothing, with no money nor work (which is some case would result in their death by starvation). For some of them that also mean sentencing them to torture and/or death, just because they are from an unwanted ethnicity, are gay, or anything the local consider as undesirable. I don’t think we can condemn them for trying, considering some of their home countries problem are a direct result of western action (creating countries out of nothing without taking ethnic boundaries into account, among other things), but we have a moral duty to at least give them a fair chance at proving they can integrate into their adoptive countries.

    No country can welcome everyone, but putting every bad things on the back of the “migrants” by defining them as a generic bad person that’s only there to do bad things is dishonest at best. Most of France problems are the result of years on gifts to the rich in hope that they’d be magnanimous enough to create more work (they never did, or at best did the bare minimum). Migrants are just straw-men used as a stepping stone by those who are more interested in power than in helping others.

  • Basically, his party got beaten so badly at the European elections (barely got half of the far-right votes, and almost got the third position after the Socialist), that he decided to trigger a “Dissolution”, which literally stop the current assembly mandate and call for flash-election. His gamble was to make himself the only alternative to the far-right by counting on the left division and the fear of the far right…
    Which blown up to his face since the left kinda united itself and the far right still got a good advance. Even worse, this time its party got third by a long shot, and may loose a lot of its seats at the National Assembly.

  • Not a specialist, but I suppose it has to do with having different configurations for different top level folder. In Unix-like systems, every top level folder have a different purpose, and what works for the root may not for /tmp, /swap, etc.

    In those example, no need to snapshot /tmp, as it is a forder whose file are bound to be deleted, and for which being able to restore has no use.
    /swap is pretty similar , and is often formated with a dedicated filesystem.
    /usr often only change during the package manager transactions, so snapshots are often tied to that, while /home may be set to keep daily snapshots.

  • Pedantic? Say the person that immediately assume anyone with a different opinion than his is a morron and did not read his previous message ?

    Here is some gaming benchmark. It is from 2022, sure, but is still relevant today to illustrate that gaming performance on Linux isn’t as easy as being the “same software with different configuration”.

    And I could go on with other games, which had different results.

    There are many variables that can affect those performance. Obviously, the Kernel, Driver and Mesa version has a big influence, but so have some less obvious causes like the filesystem used, the compiler options used, or even the compiler itself. That’s why those performances can vary so much in benchmarks.

  • Dremor@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlGaming vs Regular Distros
    1 month ago

    Phoronix many benchmarks proves the opposite. There is differences, even at the same Mesa/Kernel version.
    The difference between an hyper optimized distro, like Clear Linux (optimized for Intel CPUs), and more general ones (Ubuntu, Fedora) can be huge.
    Even between those general purposes distro, the technology choices (filesystem, scheduler, etc.) can make a considerable difference in some games/workloads.

  • Dremor@lemmy.worldMtoGames@lemmy.worldJumblie #244
    1 month ago

    Hi everyone. This kind of content is allowed on c/games. If there is a lot of content about video-games, it isn’t the only kind of games we accept. Tabletop RPG, card games, etc. are all allowed, and browser games are too, as soon as there is no spam occurring.

    Still, we’d appreciate a heads up before starting to post recurring contents (especially daily content) in order to prevent anything becoming too prevalent.

  • I never denied Palestinians right to defend themselves. They are oppressed by an apartheid-like regime (no matter how democratic it is), and have every right to denounce that. But I can’t either blame the Israeli to try to defend themselves when Hamas goes and assassinate men women and children in cold blood. No amount of oppression can justify this kind of violence.

    And now we got Hamas hiding behind the starving Palestinian population, while Israel indiscriminately bomb everyone with no care for their safety.

    In the end we have two evil fighting each other, while the general populace (especially Palestinian) suffers. I can’t support either, best I can is to support ending this senseless war to allow those who suffers to rebuild and seek a peaceful solution that bring everyone together as equals. There was multiple time in history where we were quite close to a solution, but every time, extremist of both side went and fucked everything over.