2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI'm still worthy
    16 days ago

    Me loading up A Link to the Past and still having a full memory of every palace, which areas are secrets, which walls make the satisfying clink clink clink, and how to get the Golden Master Sword without having to check GameFAQs:

    “Hell yeah. Zelda, go put on your green tunic and let’s go save Link.

  • Trump: “Nobody, and I mean nobody. And I mean that, really I do. No one knows more about Jeff than I do. He and I go way back. Terrific guy, really. Tremendous. Huuuge guy, whatever that means. But I think you know, don’t you? Look, you have to have a real smart, you know what. But I get that. There’s not a lot of smart people running Jeffrey Epstein Island. But at least we have Jeff. He’s all about that. I’m all about that. Americans know everywhere what I want, what I’m all about. I was talking to Jeff’s property… uh, whatever her name is. I don’t know her name, I just grabbed her by the pussy and said, ‘Listen. Listen. You hear that? Exactly. That’s what I mean, that’s what the fake news won’t tell you.’ And she looks at me and says, ‘What?’. And I gotta tell you folks, for real. This is real. And this is what I’m all about. We have to vote the Dems out. Sleepy Joe. Bengazi. Something about Iran or whatever, I don’t really care. But the point is, I think I’ve made my point. And they said to me, something that always sticks in my heart, and I’ll the you the secret. We just have to vote Epstein out. Get the democrats out, and stand up for freedom and vote for Red this year in December. On December 4, make your thing count, you know what I mean? Sleepy Jeff Biden doesn’t know that, does he? It’s sad, really. And I mean that. Just terrible. Sad day in America to be an Epstein, but a great one. Tremendous, even.”

  • Happy cake day @ruud@lemmy.world ! Appreciate you hosting all us Reddit Refugees when the Reddit Third-Party API Exodus happened one year ago! And big shout out to you and the other volunteer mods and admins, across multiple instances, that put in their free time to stabilize Lemmy World during the massive uptick in user registration, handling the codebase, the upgrade challenges, the creepy CSAM bad actors last year, and saw us through all the intermittent downtimes we had periodically. Lemmy World has been super stable and reliable since then.

    Reminder to all reading this: if you can, chip in and help with server costs for this valuable service. Decentralization FTW

  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldPokémon NO
    2 months ago

    If Ash Ketchum can brave a thunderstorm to save Pikachu while being chased by murderous Spearow, and can tank a well-timed lightning strike without dying, your lazy ass better get outside, catch some Pokes, and hatch some Eggs.

    Tick-tock, Trainer. I thought you wanted to be the very best!

  • I bought one of these masks for the novelty, as well as the influence to buy it during the Great Lockdown when not much was known about Covid and we were wiping down our groceries. By the time the product launched, we already knew how Covid spread and had a vaccine. Despite the advertising saying that it has N95 filters, it was clear that this was not an N95 product. Razer generically stated that it is not a certified N95 mask, but the advertising and product pages were certainly misleading and the FTC’s fine is valid and justified to protect the health and safety of consumers. I would not have used the Zephyr in place of my actual certified N95 masks.

    The Zephyr was heavy, but overall quite comfortable, but I never took it outside and wore it for something like a grocery trip (since I knew it was not an N95 mask, and masks were very divisive where I live in a Red State. The last thing I wanted was to potentially be attacked by an anti-vax/mask Freedom Lover). It was heavy, and the fans were loud - very loud. What was disappointing was that the production version did not come with the two features I wanted that were initially advertised: the sanitising case, and the voice amplifier. Imagine how much more fines Razer would face if they advertised an included UV case that came with blue lights rather than UV lights!

    I didn’t end up keeping the Zephyr, although I wish I did just to keep a small, unique memory of an uncertain and dangerous time. I do wonder if they could have launched this product sooner and certified it as an N95 mask, if gaming culture could make wearing masks when you’re sick popular. Selfish people might put aside their “freedoms” if they could look cool with gamer RGB and get attention from others (the motivation for selfishness). Of course the Zephyr would need to go through several years of revisions until it became culture.

  • CatZoomies@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlCapitalists be like
    5 months ago

    Owner Class: “Hey everybody. We’ve had an excellent season this year, so we wanted to pay our success forward. Hold out your hands, we’re gonna share our harvest!”

    Mushroom and White Trees hold out their “hands”.

    Owner Class trickles a pittance of nutrients on Mushroom only.

    White Trees: “… Wait, what?! How come Mushroom got this?”

    Mushroom: “Yeah that’s weird. Let’s go ask Owner Class what happened!”

    Owner Class: “WTF? That’s so weird! Hey, Mushroom! What happened here? Why did you get some nutrients and White Trees didn’t get any?!”

    Mushroom: “Hey, I deserve this! I worked so hard this season, I have to eat, too!”

    White Trees: “Give us some!”

    Mushroom: “Make me!”

    Scuffle Intensifies

    Emperor Palpatine Owner Class: Laughs in Reaganomics

    Sticks more straws into the nutrients and starts sucking.