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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 6th, 2024


  • True, no animal consents to being eaten, and I understand veganism is meant to eliminate or mitigate unnecessary animal products from one’s diet, but I don’t think “no animal consents to being eaten” works here. That’s nature (and yes, I’m ignoring that humans are part of nature, despite our best efforts to think we aren’t), you can’t change nature. You’re not going to get a lion or a shark to stop being a carnivorous predator because that’s just what they are.

    I also don’t necessarily agree with your knife argument: a serial killer does not need to kill to survive, whereas living things need to eat to survive. I don’t think the consent argument is as ridiculous as that, I would more equate it to an infirm cancer patient being given chemotherapy drugs versus homeopathy treatment. They can’t consent to either, but one is clearly meant to try to fix the issue, whereas the other is a personal choice.

    Veganism is a personal choice, cats needing meat in their diet is not. I have nothing against veganism, and I appreciate your arguments (I hadn’t considered the “not consenting to be eaten” aspect). Idk, to me, people who force their diets/lifestyles onto their pets that aren’t equipped for it, it’s just… Immoral? I’m blanking on the word, it’s been a long week.

  • What I don’t understand about all of this is the consent aspect: your cat/dog/pet did not consent to a vegan diet, so why are you forcing it on them? Obviously you can’t ask your pet what they want for dinner, but left to their own devices, I doubt any of them would choose a vegan diet, so… Why force it on them?

    Even ignoring all of the science and everything, morally/ethically, it just feels messed up to me. It’d be like forcing your child to eat food they’re allergic to because it’s healthier/more ethical, despite it causing health issues for them.

    Absolutely wild

  • They wouldn’t have had their lives upended if we weren’t doing everything in our power to prolong the war!

    They wouldn’t have had their lives upended if Russia didn’t illegitimately invade their homeland. Twice, in the last decade, I believe. I also don’t know wtf you mean when you say prolong the war, if Ukraine stopped fighting now you don’t think Russia wouldn’t just go at it again?

    So you understand making the world a worse place isn’t the gotcha you seem to think it is right?

    So you understand that this discussion is about OPC and their view on Ukraine and the Russian invasion? I told you I served to answerbyour initial question as to why I don’t go fight in Ukraine: I’ve already done my time in the service, was the implication you seemed to miss.

    Trying another subject change isn’t the gotcha you think it is, kid.

    The one who suspended elections after he got elected on a platform of peace and failed to end the civil war?

    The one who’s following Ukrainian law and listening to the general vibe of the country and the situation with the war?

    Or the Zelensky who is open to the idea of having elections, but does not think it’s a good idea based on both the law and I assume logistical decisions, like having mass groups if people located in small areas for extended periods of time during, say, a war.

    Not being literate on the world stage isn’t the gotcha you think it is, bud.

    How many Ukrainians living in Ukraine do you know? I’m certain it’s less than the actual Ukrainian right here telling you what the situation is.

    None, as does the very obvious Russian bot who’s, like I said before, just propagating the same Russian State Media talking points that you’ve somehow fallen for. Sad, really.

    You really don’t give a shit about actual Ukrainians beyond their willingness to bleed for the profits of the military industrial complex.

    Mm, no, I do give a shit about a sovereign nation defending themselves from a foreign aggressor, and reclaiming any illegally held territory going back to, idk, 2013-ish. 🤷‍♀️ If it was so important to the military industrial complex, why did the GOP actively fight to stop it? That’s taken money out of the wealthy’s purse, can’t have that.

    You also never answered why you’re defending a Russian troll, so let’s try again in a language you may understand:

    Почему вы защищаете русского тролля?

  • Do you think we’d be sending them weapons (and buying up their assets for pennies) if this battle wasn’t yours?

    Welcome to the world under capitalism, guess we should just do nothing then, fuck all the actual people that live in Ukraine and have had their lives upended or destroyed because of the war.

    Seriously? Fuck off with that bullshit.

    They’ve also supported Israel. By that logic, you, personally are assisting them in genocide.

    Yep, and I’m fucking pissed about it. This discussion also isn’t about Israel, so don’t change the subject.

    I will serve crack before I serve this country. Look at every military action in this country’s history since WWII. In none of them were we the good guys.

    Edgy, wow, impressed. Never said we were, just said I’ve served, so don’t put words in my mouth.

    Oh fuck off. He knows more about the situation than you do. He is right there experiencing it.

    By his own admission, he left Ukraine before the invasion, so no, he isn’t there experiencing it. He’s safely in another country, acting like he understands what’s going on in a country he currently doesn’t live in. And then acts like he speaks on behalf of Ukraine when they democratically elected their leader, continue to fight against their unjustified invaders, despite apparently living in a prison-state worse than Russia.

    While also claiming Russia is not actively engaged in the very same activities he is accusing Ukraine of.

    So go fuck yourself, I don’t know why you’re defending some Russian troll.

    1. It’s not my battle, my country wasn’t invaded. His was, but he had already left, and refuses to go back and help, but defends the people invading his country. That’s pathetic and cowardly, and spoken by someone in a position of privilege from foreign soil (again, he left before the invasion) but claims to speak for his countrymen and women actually living through the atrocities and attacks.

    2. My country is supplying military aid to Ukraine via my tax dollars, so while I’m not directly fighting, my country and myself are assisting them in their effort to defend themselves against an unjustified invasion.

    3. I am a veteran of my country’s armed services, can you say the same?

    4. I also never told him to go fight, but it seems pathetic and cowardly to sit behind a computer screen in another country, claim to speak on behalf of your home nation while propagating Russian-media talking points. So I stand by what I’ve said.

  • If I were in Ukraine, I’d be wishing for opportunity to go to Russia, because it’s one of the few ways to escape it… Thankfully I’ve left before the war started, so I don’t need to.

    So again, pathetic and a coward, assuming you’re from Ukraine at all, Comrade. 🙄

    Supposedly?? What the hell do you mean by that? https://theconversation.com/why-banning-men-from-leaving-ukraine-violates-their-human-rights-178411

    Huh, a country being invaded needs men to fight, who would’ve fucking thought. So what’s your solution? End the war and let Russia have their way? Makes sense, it doesn’t affect you in the slightest as a coward who fled his homeland and now comes online to trash it and defend the invaders.

    Pathetic coward.

    Well, exactly so that you have a chance to see it, and stop thinking of yourself as a good guy who is helping Ukrainians while in reality you are helping to murder us.

    Right, so if the West stopped supplying arms to Ukraine to defend themselves against an unlawful aggressor, Russia will immediately stop the invasion?

    Tell me, is that why Ukraine’s military chooses to bomb and seek out strategic resources for their attacks, while Russia bombs apartment buildings and city centers? Yep, must be that pesky western influence that wants to check notes stop the authoritarian creep of Russia as they attempt to reclaim their Soviet satellite states.

    You’re right, the West is to blame for Russia invading another country, raping, and slaughtering its people. I’m sure the people being killed and injured in Russia’s bombing attacks really wish the Russians would just take over already and turn them into second-class citizens, at fucking best.

    Pathetic coward.

    Well, I never claimed that Russia is the good guy here, but they are not doing exactly the same.

    No, you are, because if you weren’t, you wouldn’t be defending Russia at all in any of this, because they are 100% in the wrong, from start to finish. And yes, they are doing exactly the same thing. Russia has pulled people out of their prisons and sent them to the front lines, so do they not count as people to you, because they’re prisoners?

    Russia has also been sending captured Ukrainian troops to the front lines, along with kidnapping their own men off the streets and sending them into battle with few supplies, if any. Like, are you fucking dense, man? Eyes wide shut kind of thing?

    Pathetic coward.

    Zelensky’s regime decided to turn country into a mass-prison and kidnap people and send them to die. It is not “country choosing to defend itself”.

    Zelensky was elected by the Ukrainian people, it’s not a fucking regime. And he went to war with the backing of his people. I’m sorry Ukraine was the first target Russia had in their quest to reclaim the glory that was the Soviet Union 🙄 But they are, and they could have chosen to bend the knee to Russia, or rightfully, defend themselves.

    They, the people of Ukraine, chose to defend themselves, so fuck right off with this “Zelensky evil dictator” bullshit. He’s not, he’s just fucking not. If the people of Ukraine didn’t want to defend their homeland, the troops would just surrender instead of fighting back, and they’re fucking not.

    So fuck right off, you pathetic coward, and I feel sorry for whatever country your cowardly ass ended up in. Hope they’re never invaded, we’ll all know the first person will be that starts sucking his invaders cocks down to the balls.

  • Then go to Russia, I’m sure they’d be more than willing to send you to the front to kill your fellow Ukrainian brothers and sisters, and it’ll get you out of the “prison” that is supposedly Ukraine. 🙄

    Wtf is the point of your comment chain? I’ve seen and heard no claims that Ukraine is kidnapping people off the street to be sent to the front, outside of Russian owned state media. The same media that hides and covers up the fact that Russia is doing exactly what you’re describing to its own citizens.

    Ukraine was invaded, and the country chose to defend itself as opposed to roll over and take Putin’s boot on their throat. The invasion was begun under a completely fabricated claim about historical Russian boundaries. Zelensky and Ukraine have, to me, been nothing but up front about their motives, their rationale, and pride they have for their country.

    I’m sure they’d be ashamed to know you think so little of your brother and sister Ukrainians, but then again, it sure sounds like you’d rather have a Russian boot on your neck than a Ukrainian uniform on your shoulders. Cowardly, and pathetic. I wouldn’t spit in your direction, it’d be an insult to the spit.

  • Growing up, my mom always, always cut my sandwiches in half to make two rectangles. I asked her why at some point, and she said when she was growing up, her mother always cut her sandwiches into triangles, and she hated it. So when she moved out, she basically vowed to only cut sandwiches into rectangles.

    I hated the rectangles growing up, and cut all of mine into two triangles now that I’m on my own. 😆 Funny how the world works, hahaha

  • With the trucks that have the hydraulic arms, this isn’t really true anymore outside of major cities with street parking. I remember growing up you could also just out big bulky items out on trash day (mattresses, toilets, tubs, etc) and they’d take it. Now, at least in my town, you have to schedule bulk pickup, there are limits on how often you can do it (I think my town is no more than like 2 times a month or quarter), and there are restrictions on what can be left for bulk.

    Even with the hydraulic arm trucks, they weigh the bin as they pick it up, and will put it back down and leave if its over the weight threshold (meaning you’re throwing away something in your bin you shouldn’t be, and would need to schedule bulk for it).

    Oh, the times, they are a-changin’.

    Edit: When I lived in Baltimore, it was the old school style system of two guys on the back of the truck running to the curb, grabbing the bin, throwing it in the back, returning it, and hopping back on. Outside of that, I’ve only seen the hydraulic arm ones in suburbia for the last 15+ years.

  • Yeah, I’m not clicking on sketchy websites that come from Russian-State owned media who clearly have no bias in regards to the war they started.

    I’m sorry the “fascist West” decided to sanction Russia for their numerous crimes in history, and considering the facts that Russia has sent spies to kill numerous people on foreign soils because they had the audacity to criticize Der Putin, who himself only rose to power by bombing apartment blocks of his own people, maybe you should read sources that, idk, come from less biased organizations?

    But what do I know, I just stand with Ukraine’s right to defend their country against bullshit wars that the Russian government can’t seem to win. Maybe when one of those “fascist West” countries, like Sweden or Finland or even France, claim the Russians didn’t shoot down that plane, I’ll believe them. But I wouldn’t wipe my ass with anything the Russian state wants the world to believe.

  • Ah, another Russian bot, got it.

    Did you read the comment I responded to? Calling the West fascist, and using the pro-Russian “the Ukraine” phrase?

    Their OP comment was left alone because it stayed true to the meme (and I have no qualms acknowledging the sacrifices and victories the Soviets accomplished during the second world war), but they then took the comment chain off-topic.

    Idk what to tell you, mate, if this was supposes to stay on topic about “testosterone-poisoned ‘history enthusiasts’” maybe go tell that to the person who initially took it off the rails.

    Slava Ukraini!