• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • These guys piss me off so much.

    My mum was a cleaner at a hospital. She then worked her way up to the cleaning manager. My childhood is filled with memories of her colleagues who were her friends. She didn’t need to work as my dad had a good job; she did it to support me and my brother through studies and university.

    She taught me to respect people. Their profession is irrelevant; everyone deserves respect and acknowledgment. It was single handedly the best lesson that a parent can give and one that I have adhered to all my life.

    I am on first name terms with all the service personnel where I live and work. I always give thanks to them and leave gifts at Christmas/birthdays, etc to show my appreciation. When a waiter fills my glass or takes my plates a simple Thank-you is the least we can say.

    Thanks to my mum working I came through university with little debts and have climbed the heights of the corporate ladder. You would not believe the number of times my peers have pulled me up for what I consider common curtesy with comments like “you don’t need to thank them; it’s their job”. You know what… fuck those guys; if am at a business lunch with a potential supplier and they treat the staff like shit the deal is off the table. Have even blocked hires if I hear they are disrespectful to the secretaries or security staff.

    We have not walked in other peoples shoes and have no idea what they have gone through. Until they disrespect you or you beliefs everyone deserves your respect.

    End of rant… :-)

  • Sure and I agree with you. He has been very open with his struggles with depression over decades. They are reporting he is receiving medical care and will be for the foreseeable future; and given how recent this is likely to have been triggered by him finding out it was going to be reported last Thursday.

    Of course there is also the point that this has been blown out of all proportions. The police don’t seem to be pursuing a case and now some news outlets are saying he broke lockdown rules. Well frankly a huge number of people broke lockdown rules…

    I do feel sorry for him and hope he gets the care that he needs as the press are going to be like a dog with a bone; especially the murdoch owned tabloids who want the bbc shut down.

  • As I understand it 16 is the legal age of consent. So a pensioner can have sex with a 16 year old and no legal laws are broken. (Unless the elder is a teacher, sports tutor, medical professional of the tenager). What is illegal though is to ask for or send explicit photographs of someone before the age of 18…

    Also the Sun newspaper is a hypocritical shit rag. They were printing topless photos of Sam Fox on their daily page 3 ‘feature’ when she was 16……