• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


    • Why do you think this is a debugger issue?
    • May I suggest you try to learn how to use the rust toolchain directly first?
    • The error message looks informative to me. What part of this line did you not get?
       either src/lib.rs, src/main.rs, a [lib] section, or [[bin]] section must be present 

    I think you’re tying yourself too close to VSCode. Reading this Cargo guide is a minimal requirement. And you should learn how to use cargo (the command), at least for basic operations. This is not hard. If anything, it’s much simpler than those bloated and opaque editor/IDE setups.

  • In Rust, you provide a string — that is injected to be invoked internally. In C++, we’d just provide a callable.

    This is because Rust’s attribute grammar can’t support a callable here.

    I don’t do C++ as a life choice, and thus not 100% sure what the author means here. But I have the feeling that he is wrong, on multiple levels even 😉

  • Maybe a good idea for a post. But the amount of reaches required makes this icky.

    • Pretending people write:
      let Ok(x) = read_input() else { return Err(Error) };
      instead of
       let x = read_input().map_err(|_| ...)?;
    • Pretending people write:
       const x: &str = "...";
      instead of
       const X: &str = "...";
    • Pretending there exist people who have such knowledge of rust macros hygiene, ident namespaces, etc, but somehow don’t know about how macro code expands (the “shock” about the compile error).

    Maybe there is a reason after all why almost no one (maybe no one, period) was ever in that situation.

  • a better solution would be to add a method called something like ulock that does a combined lock and unwrap.

    That’s exactly what’s done above using an extension trait! You can mutex_val.ulock() with it!

    Now that I think about it, I don’t like how unwrap can signal either “I know this can’t fail”, “the possible error states are too rare to care about” or “I can’t be bothered with real error handing right now”.

    That’s why you’re told (clippy does that i think) to use expect instead, so you can signal “whatever string” you want to signal precisely.

  • but futures only execute when polled.

    The most interesting part here is the polling only has to take place on the scope itself. That was actually what I wanted to check, but got distracted because all spawns are awaited in the scope in moro’s README example.

    async fn slp() {
    async fn _main() {
        let result_fut = moro::async_scope!(|scope| {
            scope.spawn(async { 
            dbg!("d2"); // 11
            scope.spawn(async {
            dbg!("d3"); // 14
            scope.spawn(async {
            async { dbg!("b1"); } // never executes
        let _ = result_fut.await;
    fn main() {
        let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()
    [src/main.rs:32:5] "o1" = "o1"
    [src/main.rs:7:9] "d1" = "d1"
    [src/main.rs:15:9] "d2" = "d2"
    [src/main.rs:22:9] "d3" = "d3"
    [src/main.rs:28:9] "d4" = "d4"
    [src/main.rs:9:13] "f1a" = "f1a"
    [src/main.rs:17:13] "f2a" = "f2a"
    [src/main.rs:24:13] "f3a" = "f3a"
    [src/main.rs:26:13] "f3b" = "f3b"
    [src/main.rs:20:13] "f2b" = "f2b"
    [src/main.rs:13:13] "f1b" = "f1b"

    The non-awaited jobs are run concurrently as the moro docs say. But what if we immediately await f2?

    [src/main.rs:32:5] "o1" = "o1"
    [src/main.rs:7:9] "d1" = "d1"
    [src/main.rs:15:9] "d2" = "d2"
    [src/main.rs:9:13] "f1a" = "f1a"
    [src/main.rs:17:13] "f2a" = "f2a"
    [src/main.rs:20:13] "f2b" = "f2b"
    [src/main.rs:22:9] "d3" = "d3"
    [src/main.rs:28:9] "d4" = "d4"
    [src/main.rs:24:13] "f3a" = "f3a"
    [src/main.rs:13:13] "f1b" = "f1b"
    [src/main.rs:26:13] "f3b" = "f3b"

    f1 and f2 are run concurrently, f3 is run after f2 finishes, but doesn’t have to wait for f1 to finish, which is maybe obvious, but… (see below).

    So two things here:

    1. Re-using the spawn terminology here irks me for some reason. I don’t know what would be better though. Would defer_to_scope() be confusing if the job is awaited in the scope?
    2. Even if assumed obvious, a note about execution order when there is a mix of awaited and non-awaited jobs is worth adding to the documentation IMHO.

  • I skimmed the latter parts of this post since I felt like I read it all before, but I think moro is new to me. I was intrigued to find out how scoped span exactly behaves.

    async fn slp() {
    async fn _main() {
        let value = 22;
        let result_fut = moro::async_scope!(|scope| {
            dbg!(); // line 8
            let future1 = scope.spawn(async {
                dbg!(); // line 11
                let future2 = scope.spawn(async {
                    dbg!(); // line 14
                    value // access stack values that outlive scope
                dbg!(); // line 18
                let v = future2.await * 2;
            dbg!(); // line 25
            let v = future1.await * 2;
            dbg!(); // line 28
        dbg!(); // line 32
        let result = result_fut.await;
        eprintln!("{result}"); // prints 88
    fn main() {
        // same output with `new_current_thread()` of course
        let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()

    This prints:


    So scoped spawn doesn’t really spawn tasks as one might mistakenly think!