Inline means that your element should be treated like text. If your element is not text, then you shouldn’t use inline. In this screenshot the element is text, so it’s ok.
Inline means that your element should be treated like text. If your element is not text, then you shouldn’t use inline. In this screenshot the element is text, so it’s ok.
Inline is never needed and you already know that.
There’s nothing hard about semantic naming. Especially when you’re separating your elements into components and use SCSS or some other pre-processor.
Frameworks like bootstrap are a cancer.
There are two types of hotels: those who serve early breakfasts because most of their clients are early birds, and all inclusives where most of the clients are night owls. You’re just staying at the wrong type of hotel.
4-5 star hotels in Europe tend to serve quality food in a decent tableware.
Hotel breakfasts tend to be more expensive than eating out.
Add a flag.
Yeah, why not?
If it calculates personal income tax, just call calculatePersonalIncomeTax
PLA is digestible, it doesn’t pose a microplastic threat. If it gets into you, it’ll become a part of your poop.
PLA doesn’t last long. It starts to fall apart after a few months of exposure to sunlight in otherwise completely sterile environment. It is also easily compostable in hot industrial composters. It is also digestible by mammals, thus its micro particles are not an issue.
I don’t know what you are doing in the plastics industry, but it seems that you don’t understand what words “biodegradable” and “plastic” mean.
Just hold the power button on your laptop for a few seconds and you’ll get hard power off.
It’s not really a nuke as some processes might be protected. The nuke is to use debugger privileges. Far Manager can kill processes using debugger privileges, that will literally nuke anything and in an instant: the app won’t even receive any signals or anything.
The end task doesn’t terminate the app, it only sends a message to the window to close itself. The app will then decide what to do on its own. For example, if the app has multiple windows open, it might close the active one, but still continue running with other windows open. Or it might ignore the message completely.
Hard disagree - that’s just dumb:
// Calculates tax
function calculateTax() { }
It’s not up to me. Or you.