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Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • That was an interesting listen. And sad. I can’t imagine the situation has improved.

    Wikipedia mentions that they’ve flipped diplomatic ties with China and Taiwan a couple of times in the past 20 years. Honestly, that seem like a cheap price to pay for some investment.

    Oh, but like the radio piece said, “You’ve never heard of it, but once you do it seems to be everywhere.” My grandfather and a couple of his brothers visited (and unsuccessfully tried to stay) in the 1930s. He always described it as a paradise. That was, of course, a long time ago and before the mass destruction. I also wonder if assume I have some unknown Nauruan cousins.

  • Baptized Lutheran shortly after birth, but never attended church. It’s a long and vaguely racist family story. Don’t consider myself Christian.

    My in-laws are fundamentalist end times folk, and it took years to try to make sense all of that. I love my husband, but it’s a lot to take in. And my brain naturally tends to try to make sense or analyze things, or figure out what’s motivating people.

    Their older generation are very interested in controlling the people around them and they’re very good at it. I think it’s control and authority at the heart of it, with a helping of genuine trauma that makes death and reward look appealing.

    Actual quote that I’ve heard a few times: “Life is hard, short, and cruel - and then you die!” \ Let me just say that Christmas visits can get really weird.

    On a lighter note, they mailed us a Tribulation Survival Care Package for the 1999 x-mas, ahead of the Y2K impending millennial crisis. That was actually sort of fun, and the shiny space blanket came in handy a few times.

  • The name means just “lobster in/on a roll” - with roll meaning " a small bread" rather than the act of rolling something. This does look delicious, but it is also somewhat atypical of the dish as I know it. The bread looks underdone and untoasted and the lobster is just sort of sitting on top, weirdly. Typically, the lobster is loaded into a slice in the roll and there is much more of it. Paradoxically, you can eat a proper lobster roll without a knife and fork, but this one seems to demand that you use utensils.

    A google image search will demonstrate more clearly, but I could describe it as “an unholy amount of lobster salad in a hotdog bun.”

    Also - worth noting: you can make a lobster roll with the shellfish dressed with either butter or mayonnaise/lemon. Differences are regional and although it causes mostly good natured fights, I think both are nice. This one appears to be of the butter variety.