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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I actually did this once. My USB was on /dev/sda instead of sdb and I didn’t bother to check. It took me like 2 days to fix it because you can’t just delete partitions and start over normally, it changes some flags on your drive that you need to manually reset for them to be usable again. Fun times.

  • We had to do a presentation on whatever in computer class in the first year of secondary school, and I chose Linux for no apparent reason. I just kinda knew that it existed and thought what the hell.

    My ‘researching’ led me to see what Linux offered, to learn about FOSS, listen to Stallman, and I loved tinkering so I made a dual boot (and thus learned about partitions, boot flags and such) and never looked back. Even when I installed linux on my newly acquired PC a few days ago and found out that since the kernel version 5.13 some motherboards receive failure on all USB 3.0 ports and I have to fuck around with that why can’t you just fucking work right away for once

  • AccountMaker@slrpnk.nettoMemes@lemmy.mlMinmaxxing
    8 months ago

    Redguards are from Yokuda, Nords are from Atmora, Imperials come from the Nedes and Bretons are a Nede/Aldmer mix. Each human race has a distinct origin, what’s controversial about that? They’re ‘human’ in the sense that they’re not Mer or Beastfolk.

  • But people like them, no? Just to be clear, how people can enjoy autotuned mumbling about money and hookers is beyond me, but they are. Don’t know about other genres, but in metal you still have a lot of bands that make complex and beautiful music (especially in symphonic metal), but not as many people listen to that, and often not because they don’t know about alternatives. My own brother listens to mumble rap and other rappers that write lyrics that can be rearranged and you wouldn’t notice because the only thing they do is rhyme, without building up to anything, and it’s his choice, he likes listening to the same two songs in 50 variants.

    It is very easy to find smaller bands that produce music with actual effort, and you can shove crappy music all you want to someone who doesn’t like it, and it won’t magically make them a fan, so the prevalence of autotuned simulations of strokes are due to people actually liking them, no?

    I try not to judge these people too much because I myself often listen to extreme trve kvlt black metal which sounds like a vacuum cleaner to the uninitiated, so I tell myself that it’s something like that. I never convince myself of that, but I try.

  • Eveyone needs it. Aristotle starts out his Nicomachean ethics stating that virtuous acts are first and foremost for the benefit of the virtuous person.

    Platonic ethics should also really be taught widely, even more so than Aristotle’s because they’re easier to receive. Even if he has some hard to accept views such as that commiting injustice is worse than suffering it, everyone would benefit if children grew up with the notion that everyone does what they think best, and that those who do “wrong” things do so out of ignorance of what is good, rather than what we currently have where everyone knows what is objectively good, and those who don’t do it are willfully wrongdoers and you just need to punish them enough and they’ll become good.

    Although you can have the best educational plans in the galaxy if the educarional system is crap. I don’t know about the rest of the world, but where I’m from all education from primary school to a master’s degree is just a bunch of information being thrown at you with 0 context and reasoning behind it, and when you’re able to reproduce that information on demand (without any context): congratz, you’re educated!

  • It’s actually what motivated me to start hahaha. I wanted a gift from my corvid friends, but my corvid friends run the hell away if they even catch a glimpse of me in the corner of the room through a window. I guess because it’s a small balcony instead of a large, open and safe space. Even though I gave up on the idea and now feed them for no other reason than to feed them, I wish they would at least be chill with my existence. I’m fairly certain they think nuts grow out of flower pots.

    But damn they look cool.

  • Very relatable. I started leaving food for some local magpies about a year ago, and now they wake me up every morning at 6.

    I once had a problem when suddenly some tits arrived and started stealing all the food. A huge magpie would take like one hazelnut and be on its way, while these small fuckers would eat like pigs, and then hide what was left. They’d take the nuts and shove them somewhere between the flowers on my balcony. Tough the magpies too have often burried nuts in the soil below the flowers, only to dig them out again.

    And it was so cool to watch some sparrow coming and going a dozen times to pull out some weeds that have been growing (I left the pots with the flowers outside over winter, the flowers died and weeds started to grow), and then carry them to a hole in a wall where a brick is missing which presumably is the nest.

    But it was so so cool when I got woken up a few days in succession to a silhouette of a majestic crow standing on my balcony (my bed looks directly through the balcony window facing north-east). Crows are so cool, and magpies are really beatutiful, though extremely skittish.

  • I mean, sure, but that absolutely devalues the meaning of the word. Absolutely every single thing you do is preceeded by a choice to do that, and choices are reflective of ones inner self, and if making a choice is power, and politics is all about power, then every single thing you do is political. Waking up before sunrise is political, waking up later is political, saying hello to your neighbour is political. Recording a guitar riff that just sounds cool is political. I created croissants yesterday, that was political.

    Words are created to be used, and “political” cannot be used in any meaningful way if it refers to everything. While you probably could soundly argue that a child drawing random lines with crayons is political, it’s really pointless since it’s just pedantry that doesn’t add value, but rather devalues the word.

  • Well, art is political by its very nature

    Is it though? I once made a little tree out of wires as a birthday present because trees grow. How was that political? A friend of mine did a digital portrait of one of her friends for fun, how was that political? A whole genre of art is: “I saw a beautiful sight in nature and wanted to paint it”. Nothing political about that. I mean, “Art for art’s sake” was a whole movement. If it’s political by nature, removing the politics would mean that it’s not art anymore. And some musicians refuse to tell people what their music is about because they believe that everyone should give it their own personal meaning. But, as I said, a lot of art has no “meaning” besides: this looks/sounds nice/calming/cool/energizing.

    Yes, it stems from the beliefs and feelings of the artists, but if we extend the meaning of politics so far that someone painting a mountainside transfers a political message, the term becomes pretty unusable.

  • AccountMaker@slrpnk.nettoMemes@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    English is barely gendered. In Slavic languages, as someone said, verbs are conjugated differently based on gender. In Serbian for instance, to say “I saw him”, you would say “Video sam ga” if you were a man, and “Videla sam ga” if you were a woman. In Arabic I think even more things vary based on gender, like “to you” has different forms based on whether “you” are a man or a woman. It might not be specifically that, but I distinctly recall Arabic using gender-based forms for something that Slavic languages don’t.

  • It’s long been thought the only reason there’s been no WWIII is because countries that don’t necessarily like each other have created mutually beneficial trade deals together.

    And then Russia decided to go to war regardless. I’m not sure whether this has shown us that war prevention based on mutual trade is an illusion, or that Russian economic difficulties prove that it works. Maybe time will tell, but in any case I’m not sure the dead will be happy that Russia’s economy will suffer.

    I mean, it makes perfect sense that you’re not going to start a war for economic reasons if it’s worse than just trade, but what happens when someone decides that they want war for reasons other than economic. For example, country A has a lot of people with their main nationality in the bordering countries, and someone stirrs up nationalist sentiments and they want their country to ecompass all regions where their nationals live, regardless of economic benefits/drawbacks.